Doctor Who: The Adventure Games Appears Early

Posted by Staff
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games Appears Early
Despite having been announced for release on June 5th, the first episode of Doctor Who: The Adventure Games is now available to download (for free!) in the UK.

Dubbed City of the Daleks, the game is part stealth, part point and click adventure and takes players to... well, the name's a bit of a giveaway.

Mark SPOnG had a wee little (massive) nerd out recently and went to see the game. You can see his preview here andread his interview with executive producer Charles Cecil here. (Alternatively, you can catch the audio in our 27th May podcast).

You can get City of the Daleks here. Given the official launch date's June 5th, we can't guarantee it'll be there for long...


ECM 3 Jun 2010 13:47
Since I've already spammed Eurogamer with this, now it's my favorite, UK, gaming site's turn (that'd be Spong, if there's some confusion).

This is a 'trick' to get the game if you're not in the UK:

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