If someone made a Facebook group for "Teaser Websites of Game Announcements," we would wish for a 'Dislike' button so we can click it to infinity. And yet, Sega Japan has enjoyed faffing with us for the best part of a week as it counts down to the reveal of an "Xbox 360 action game."
Featuring different number forms and updating on a daily basis, the teaser site has included such words of wisdom as "We want people to look forward to it, but if people look forward to it too much it is troubling" and "At one point, these types of teaser sites were abundant, but of late you don't see too many of them" (no shit, because they're bloody annoying!).
Today's count hits '5' - meaning five days until the big reveal - and according to the message listed with, it appears someone may have already figured out what the project is. "When I see a correct guess posted on the 'net, I get excited." Bless.
Guesses? Make them in the usual place.