Insomniac: FFXIII Is 'Superior' On PS3

Posted by Staff
"The Xbox 360's graphics look what, now?"
"The Xbox 360's graphics look what, now?"
Insomniac's Marketing Manager, James Stevenson, has been getting a bit lippy on Twitter it seems. Expressing his excitement for the PlayStation 3's Spring quarter releases, he states that "the superior version of Final Fantasy XIII" belongs on Sony's platform.

Well, of course he would say that, wouldn't he? You know, being both a member of a Sony second-party studio and a marketing manager to boot. He's a nice chap though, we've had words before.

Put this down to 'Xbot' fanboy flamebait or simple excitement for the supported platform. There's a bit of a furore over the quality of snapshots from the Xbox 360 version of the Japanese RPG over its PS3 counterpart, so we guess the comment isn't entirely without merit. Either way, here's his Tweet in full;

"PS3 is having a rockin' 1st q: MAG, Heavy Rain, White Knight Chronicles, and soon MLB10:The Show, GOWIII and the superior version of FFXIII."



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