Half-Minute Hero Hitting Half-February

Posted by Staff
Half-Minute Hero Hitting Half-February
Quirky Japanese game fans rejoice! Half-Minute Hero, the manic role playing game that gives you an expansive world that must be saved in 30 second intervals, is due for a PSP release on 12th February.

Rising Star Games is assuming publishing duties for this Marvelous Entertainment game, which sees you tackle 20 hours of gameplay in chunks of 30 seconds, split across 100 different missions and four unique characters.

As you explore the world map and traverse through miniature dungeons, your timer ticks down. When you enter safe havens like towns and other locations, the clock can be reset for a fee, at which point you get 30 seconds to continue your journey – or try again.

Multiplayer options are announced as well, with up to four players saving the world at once via adhoc play, and the whole thing is presented in a retro 8-bit style as well.

It's perhaps the comment from Rising Star's managing director, Martin Defries, that's most worrying however. “It's impossible to play without a massive grin on your face. But don't let that fool you - this is one deep and engrossing game, with a substantial single player adventure and countless multiplayer options. It's a game which keeps on giving - but like an inexperienced teenager: 30 seconds at a time."



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