Pseuds Corner: World of Warcraft as a Cathedral

Posted by Staff
Sculpture of the three Holy N00bs at Chartres Cathedral.
Sculpture of the three Holy N00bs at Chartres Cathedral.
We love The Guardian newspaper with its fluffy, small (and big) "L" liberal points of view and pretentious art criticism. So this one cracked us up. It's by columnist Sam Leith who is apparently unable to say, "World of Warcraft is a good game".

"So here's my theory: WoW doesn't resemble a film. It resembles, rather, a medieval cathedral. And a magnificent one: it is the Chartres of the video-game world. Like a cathedral, it is a supreme work of art that is, on a brick-by-brick basis, the creation of hundreds of artisans and craftsmen, many of whom will be long gone by the time it comes to completion; indeed, since WoW is in a state of permanent expansion, it may not ever be 'complete'. All those programmers are the modern-day equivalent of stonemasons, foundation-diggers and structural engineers."



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