Awesome Portal Themed Lesbian Gamer Geek Wedding

Posted by Staff
The happy couple and maids of honour play DS.
The happy couple and maids of honour play DS.
We love geeks - we are geeks - and we love happy stories. So, we'd like to congratulate data analyst Anli and 'public servant', Laura, on their recent nuptials, which were celebrated with Nintendo DSs and lovely cake.

All of this occurred in New South Wales, Australia last month. So, apologies if we're late to the party.

"We wanted a ceremony that reflected our geeky, romantic, pink aesthetic, while at the same time being profound and meaningful. Our ceremony was themed around the video game Portal and the anime series Revolutionary Girl Utena", say the happy couple. Basically, yes indeedy.

Laura's favourite moment was, "was watching me walk down the aisle towards her while our lovely friend Katherine played Hikaru Sasu Niwa on violin."

Ahhh. Lovely.

Read all about it on Offbeatbride.



Miyagi's new trainee 27 Oct 2009 15:35
I'd do them all. (especially the second one from the left.)
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