Video Games vs Hollywood plus Swear Word!

Posted by Staff
Ian Stevens is head of Vin Diesel's Tigon Studios, he's been talking to GI. Among other things he said:

"There's certainly no shortage of guys that look at games and see them as toys, and meaningless bullsh*t, and now look at revenue - and for their own survival's sake have to care, and have to get involved".

We assume that those unnamed Hollywood chaps are not signed up to a company that also makes video games such as Dark Athena. We also assume that there's 'meaningful BS' as well as 'meaningless BS'.

Frankly, the pretend fight between Hollywood and video games is wearing a bit thin. With all the major video game players having movie interests (and vice versa), and with movie tie-ins making video games executives as much cash as Hollywood execs make from the reverse thrust, does anybody believe that the above statement is any more than someone trying to appeal to the audience they're being interviewed for?

Stevens continues, "I think a lot of it has changed because we're making so much more money than they are."

Making more money than individuals maybe, but Hollywood (and the rest of the movie industry) still has DVD/Blu-ray sell-through, TV rights and huge merchandising revenues. If GTA can make as much money as a box-set 80 years after its release as the Three Stooges Remastered can... let's talk.

As for 'meaningless b*hit'... so, the Keystone Kops were Wittgenstein then? Five words for both sets of bickering execs when it comes to meaningful: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.


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