Namco Brings Gadget to iPhone

Posted by Staff
Namco Brings Gadget to iPhone
The iPhone keeps gaining gaming support from the big players in games... some say that this adds nothing but greasy screens and iPhone users saying, "Did you know about this video gaming thing goind forward?" Some say it leads to a real boon for video game developers and publishers in this time of global economic catastrophe.

We say that Namco Bandai (or Bandai Namco) is bringing Inspector Gadget to a touch-screen, motion sensing Apple device near you.

Developed with Cookie Jar Entertainment, ("the producer of the hit cartoon series"), the game has six levels and six mini-games in Story and Quick Play modes

"Inspector Gadget is a personal favourite for me", Barry O’Neill, President of Namco Bandai Networks Europe. Well, if it's Barry O'Neill's personal favourite... yes, that Barry O'Neill.

It's available now.


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