Street Fighter 2 announced!

That's right. The sequel to the Street Fighter movie has been announced.

Posted by Staff
Street Fighter 2 announced!
Let's be honest, Jean Claude Van-Damme is not a name you'd associate with quality film content.

It may indeed be fair to say, that he is to film what 3DO is to gaming - they both knowingly create questionable content which questionable people like - but they still manage to survive.

Mr Van Damme was recently interviewed in martial arts publication Kung Fu Cinema and revealed the following, which may or may not be good news, depending on your taste...

"Yes we will be doing a sequel to Street Fighter. In my opinion, it is one of the finest movies of my career - lots of fun for everyone. It has [a] nice blend of action, comedy, and even elements of the video game. We are casting now and some big names are interested".

He clearly didn't read the reviews. On another, non-games related note - he also spoke of re-making the Great Escape, but with his unique brand of martial arts. And he actually sounded serious.

Oh dear.


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