Browse Games


21 titles found in the genre 'Racing', on 3DS/2DS or 3DS/2DS
Title Released Genre Platforms
Mario Kart 7

2011-2011 Racing: Karting
3DS/2DS Cartridge
Pilotwings Resort

2011-2011 Racing: Airplane
3DS/2DS Cartridge
Ridge Racer 3D

2011 Racing: Car
3DS/2DS Cartridge
Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed

Also known as Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed: Limited Edition

-2013 Racing: Car
3DS/2DS Cartridge
Cars 2: The Video Game

-2013 Racing: Car
Combat Game: Driving
3DS/2DS Cartridge
Hot Wheels World's Best Driver

-2013 Racing
3DS/2DS Cartridge
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