Shady O'Grady's Rising Star - PC

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Shady O'Grady's Rising Star (PC)
Viewed: Not known Genre:
Media: CD Arcade origin:No
Publishers: Gilligames (US)
Released: 1 Mar 2007 (US)


In Rising Star, you start out as an 18-year old rookie musician in one of 10 music types: rock and roll, jazz, ska, rap, pop, blues, metal, punk, folk, or country. Choose your home from over 120 cities located throughout the U.S., and recruit compatible musicians for your band. You'll start off as poor, starving artists, and slowly work your way to stardom. Make enough connections with the club owners and bands, and soon you?ll score your first gig. You'll get to enter Battle of the Bands, and eventually you'll deal with larger venues, managers, producers, record contracts, product endorsements and more.


Shady O'Grady's Rising Star - PC Artwork

Shady O'Grady's Rising Star - PC Artwork