Demon Attack - Atari 2600/VCS

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Also for: C64, Vic-20, Atari 400/800/XL/XE, Intellivision, Videopac/Odyssey2
Viewed: 2D Static screen Genre:
Shoot 'Em Up
Arcade origin:No
Publishers: Imagic (GB/US/JP)
Released: 1982 (GB)
Unknown (US/JP)


Destroy you! That's what these space demons aim to do. Blast 'em and survive. But each wave of demons is tougher to destroy.

These strange interplanetary foes are tricky. When hit, some split in two. All are replaced by even more attackers.

1 or 2 players will thrive on the ever-increasing dangers.

Wave after devastating wave of cosmic creatures attack you from above. Just when you've destroyed one gang of galactic monsters, another menacing horde hits you with a whole new assault strategy.

If you can't beat these demons from alien worlds, you can always beat your own score, or your opponent's. The challenge never lets up as you fight back with joystick controllers.


Lead Programmer