Get your free SPOnG news feed here

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(none for all)
Number of headlines
Prefered layout Split by date
Tabular list
Links go to Same window
New window

Below is the code you should use to create the news feed on the right. Just copy the text and paste it into your web page for instant, free news headlines.
<script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script>

Can I change how my feed looks?"

Of course! Our free news feed offers an incredible degree of control. Unlike similar offerings, you have the control to make our news fit right into your site. Using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) you can add indents, borders and backgrounds, change the font styles and colors, link roll-over effects and the layout of the content. If your page has limit space, you can even make the news appear in a scrolling box, all thanks to CSS.

As standard, the feed includes simple formatting styles, but you can write your own to do all of the above, and more. The following is a list of all the classes usd for layout management. If this CSS stuff is all alien to you, check out the W3C's page on learning CSS, and rid yourself of those evil font tags.

".spongNewsContainer" surrounds the whole of the feed. Try adding "border: solid black 1px;".
".spongNewsListContainer" surrounds only the headlines. Fixing the height and applying "overflow: scroll;" will turn the headlines into a scrolling list if they become larger then the height given.
"spongNewsListRowOdd" & "spongNewsListRowEven" are applied on alternate lines, letting you create striped background colours for increased readability.
"spongNewsReleaseDate" is applied only to the release date.
"spongNewsHeadline" surrounds the headline. When formatted by date, applying a "padding-left: 10px" will indent the headlines below the release date.
"spongNewsHeadlineHref" if you want underscores when the mouse pointer hovers over links, this is the class for you to be playing with.
"spongNewsNote" lets you to alter the SPonG credit - within reason (see below).

That's it!

We hope you enjoy your free news, and hope you've found it a breaze to set up. Please get in touch if you have any feedback.