Reviews// Dead or Alive Dimensions

Posted 19 May 2011 15:32 by
The combo and counter systems are as good as they've ever been, but it's a shame that more hasn't been added to the vast array of moves on offer. Still, this has never been a game where you try and master one character. Moves are pretty similar across the vast array of characters, leaving each one as accessible as the last. Some might see that as a bad thing but as a result of this I felt as though I had experienced more of a game than if I had put my heart and soul into one character only.

The bottom screen is used as a Move List that can be touched to activate the move requested. It's pretty useless as the last thing you'll want to do in the heat of a battle is take your eyes off the screen to see where to place your thumb. This leaves the bottom screen redundant and will have you wondering what they could have done with it that might have been useful.

It's clear though that collectables are just as important in this game as the fighting itself. Completing your first Arcade play-through will see you unlock a huge amount of rewards, from costumes to statues. The latter are frozen models of the characters in the game. Once unlocked you can view and take photos of them, which to put it quite bluntly is a bit creepy. Yet, I found myself letting off a little squeal whenever I unlocked one of my favourite characters, Christie.

3D Boobs
With the graphical limitations of the 3DS, DOA:D was never going to compete with the fourth in the series, but it makes a pretty good go of it. Although some arenas look a bit basic, others show that the 3DS can achieve some impressive results when a decent team is working with the device.

The 3D effects are subtle at best and add very little to the playing experience. In fact I played the majority of the game with it switched off. This allowed me to be more free with my hand movements as I fought or took zoomed in photos of Christie's Boobs.

(I'm sorry.)

Dead or Alive Dimensions is a substantial package but one that feels a little lacking. Dead Or Alive fans will enjoy having a competent portable version of their favourite game but will not see anything they haven't seen before.

While it might not win over those who don't like the series, it'll introduce a new audience to it for sure. Once it has those one board, we might see a game that dares to step forward a little. Until then, this will do.

Street Fighter IV: 3D is still the king of fighters on the 3DS, but those who're fed up with Ryu and Co will find a great alternative with this.

SPOnG Score: 72%
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