Reviews// Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies

Posted 10 Aug 2010 16:49 by
One change between DQIX and the previous game is the huge amount of voice acting talent that really adds to the experience. However – and of course - the DS isn’t be able to handle hours upon hours of sound files. To get around this, the localisation team has written a script that is frankly amazing, filled with stupid jokes, awful puns... hell, there are even recognisable accents in there. Best bit? The Welsh. You’ll know what I mean when you play it.

Demon's Souls but Cuter
Alongside the immense single-player game, there’s also an integrated multi-player aspect. While it’s not necessary to try it out (the entire game is accessible in the single player mode) it’s an interesting experience. Although it's not specifically a co-op mode, you can travel into another player’s world or invite them to yours to explore, battle and chat. The seamless way it’s done is again testament to the care put into DQIX - it actually reminded me a little of Demon’s Souls, just a little bit cuter.

So, all this gaming detail in its place, what do I actually feel about the DS version? It’s a curious turn of affairs, but I find that as I get older, I am losing patience. I thought that with age would come a certain level of maturity and an ability to handle games that take their time to get going. But I’m sad to say that if anything I’ve got worse. If a game doesn’t grab me almost immediately, I find that I will often disregard it. Sometimes I will listen to the white noise of the internet as it bellows away, telling me to give it another chance and - wanting to find something that will draw me in, that will entertain me - I try... and I fail. There are games that people on this very site will call stone-cold classics, but they leave me cold.

I get to thinking, am I falling out of love with games? I’ve been playing them since I was six years old, so it’s probably natural that, as with any relationship, there are peaks and troughs. All I needed was something to show me how good gaming can be, something to add to the list alongside the likes of Left 4 Dead and Mario 64: games that reminded me why I play... Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies has did just that, and not a moment too soon.

So, Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies is an absolute winner. A true labour of love, it’s witty and clever, but also simple and charming. Some may think that ‘charming’ is a curious way to describe a video game, but if you pick up a copy you’ll realise what I mean after only a few minutes play. For someone who was growing a little tired of the usual grind, this is a shot in the arm that should be experienced by everyone who’s got a DS.

You may not be a typical RPG player, but this reminded me why I play. It pulled me in from the start - it’s massive but never overpowering, challenging but not cruel. You could be a grizzled veteran or a total newbie to role playing, it doesn’t matter - you will fall for DQIX, I guarantee it.

SPOnG Score: 90%
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