Interviews// Pristontale II, The Creative Force

Posted 1 Oct 2008 17:27 by
SPOnG: Obviously the benchmark for any MMO is World of Warcraft. How do you think Pristontale II compares?

Toni Garcia: We didn't work comparing it with other games, because it's difficult, you know? Pristontale II has its own story. We created the different parts of the game, thinking in the story. If you're creating Midrandas and the world of Midrandas, different ways to play, magical areas, PVP areas, you're thinking in terms of that, not comparing with other games.

Honestly, I never compare it with other games. Sometimes I play them, but I think a good product should be created from the very beginning, not compared with if another game has a different feature – trying to copy it. You have to develop your own story.

SPOnG: So, you've got the closed beta. What's the time-scale for rolling it out further? Do you have one yet?

Jesus Diaz: Yeah, we have one. The open beta's planned for the beginning of November.

SPOnG: So with people not having to buy a copy when the game's 'officially' released, the open beta's effectively launch for you guys, right?

Jesus Diaz: Yes.

SPOnG: Are you planning to release more content post-launch?

Toni Garcia: Yes, there are new expansions coming. Even a new group of characters. We're working right now on this part, because we need to add value for the players, to get them to continue playing. So, we are working very hard with the next expansions.

SPOnG: With the free-to-play model, would you say you're targeting the casual player rather someone who might go out and buy a boxed MMO?

Jesus Diaz: No. The idea is to provide to the gamer, wherever they play, something special. Something good in terms of quality and service. If they are hardcore gamers, great. If they are casual gamers, great. If they are soft gamers, great. If they like the game, we don't care.

SPOnG: Thanks for your time.

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