Every Extend Extra
SPOnG: What have been the most rewarding and challenging things about developing
Every Extend Extra Extreme?
Tetsuya Mizuguchi: I think the size of the game has been perhaps the most challenging really. It’s difficult to expand on the scope of a game like this while trying to confine yourself to a download size that users will deem acceptable. It also affects things like music tracks and things like that, obviously.
The most rewarding thing though has been to be able to create these new modes and really breathe some new life into the game for those who have already played the first game. We were trying to find some more ideas to make the gameplay more unique too, but I guess that’s a challenge we will leave for an
E5 perhaps…

Every Extend Extra
SPOnG: What, like [i]Every Extend Extra Extreme… Extraordinary[/i]?
Tetsuya Mizuguchi: (The translator, Kyoko, jokingly suggests ‘Every Extend Extra Extreme E’) Yes, maybe Every
Extend Extra Extreme E! (laughs) We would have to think about that.
SPOnG: Do you think that you might like to work with SEGA again on a Q Entertainment project?
Tetsuya Mizuguchi: Well, regarding my relationship with SEGA… I got the license of
Rez from SEGA, and to me that was a really big deal. It’s made me very happy and I’m really thankful for their decision in that. If I get the chance, I would like to get involved in a project with SEGA again, yes.

Every Extend Extra
SPOnG: Having a degree in Media Aesthetics, what do you think you’d be doing today if you weren’t developing video games?
Tetsuya Mizuguchi: I can’t imagine (laughs). I’m starting to produce music videos and I have an interest in art and light shows and things like that. I certainly would be involved in something to do with New Media… like the Internet, trying to build on connectivity and entertainment through different forms.
SPOnG: Finally, what games are you looking forward to most in the next six months?
Tetsuya Mizuguchi: Personally? [thinks]
E4. [laughs] Yes, I’m joking, sorry. I mean

Every Extend Extra
SPOnG: That’s a very good answer. Thank you very much for your time.
Tetsuya Mizuguchi: Thank you very much!
Every Extend Extra Extreme is now available on the Xbox Live Marketplace! Go get it if you know what's good for you.