Reviews// Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (Xbox 360)

It's not as cold when you're sat inside a giant robot

Posted 7 Feb 2007 18:20 by

The speed doesn't improve much in the Vital Suits, either. While some of them can change into rocket sleds and carry you along at a fair old crack, the majority lumber along at a sometimes annoying pace.

That doesn't mean they're not fun to handle, however. Depending on the state of repair of a given VS, it may hover or feature an accelerated leap. They're also able to carry and fire multiple weapons and offer up more protection than just your little parka.

They come in pretty bloody handy when you're dealing with one of the bosses, too. The increased firepower and armouring featured on a VS is a must when dealing with the big bads at the end of a mission.

The bosses can get a little frustrating, to be honest. They generally take the form of bigger, nastier versions of the Akrid you'll face in other parts of the game. Beating them requires a methodical application of the firepower such as gatling guns, rocket launchers and laser cannons that's readily (and conveniently) available around the boss's area.

The strategies required aren't overly complex, just staying on the move and gunning for sweet spots will do the trick. This can make the bosses a bit tedious at times, and I found myself groaning internally whenever I came across one.

The story driving the game is solid, if uninspiring. It's fairly standard stuff. That said, it's also an FPS, so average storytelling isn't too worrying. The cut-scenes look great, too. And, of course, there's the requisite purple-haired wench thrown in there for good measure.

The gameplay feels a bit linear at times. The story-driven nature of the game means that players are continually pushed in a certain direction. Free-roaming it certainly ain't.

On top of that, the rapidly depleting heat-bar makes stopping to poke around your environment a no-no. All the weapons that have been carelessly lying around are on obvious display and require little ferreting around. This is not a game that rewards the diligent.

Personally, I didn't find that problematic. I've never been keen on wasting hours of my life wandering around empty rooms just on the off-chance of finding a high-powered laser-rifle cum juice-maker. But if you're after an environment that enables you to uncover hidden depths you'd best look elsewhere.

Although I've niggled at Lost Planet a fair amount, it does have a lot to recommend it. If you've seen an ad break on the telly in the last month you don't need me to tell you how pretty it is, for one. The frozen tundra looks stunning, especially in the places where derelict buildings are lurking under the snow drifts.

The Akrid look impressive, too. There's an amazing level of detail, and the warm stuff squirting from their bellies looks positively welcoming.

While movement can be slow at times, the control system (by and large) works well. It's simple enough to be largely intuitive while not falling into the trap of making for dull gameplay.

[b]SPOnG Score: B-

[i]It's good fun. It plays well, it won't bore you and it looks "real purdy". The pressure created by your rapidly depleting body heat adds a nice dimension to gameplay, although if you like holing up and picking people off, it will no doubt spoil the game for you.

If you like a solid FPS then go and buy this. If you like an FPS but don't have a 360, however, don't go out and buy one just for Lost Planet.[/i]
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PreciousRoi 9 Feb 2007 04:47
its not exactly a FPS, now is it...
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