Reviews// Red Steel (Wii)

You are about to meet the somewhat intimidating Mr Sato...

Posted 24 Nov 2006 13:40 by
In one way, Red Steel embodies the manner in which developers and publishers have eagerly embraced Nintendo’s Wii – it’s that rarest of games, an original effort from a third-party publisher that will hit the shops on a new console’s launch day. And with its mix of first-person shooting and swordplay, it puts forward a pretty good case for the versatile Wiimote’s virtues.

At a recent press event in Paris, Ubisoft rather bizarrely - but at least honestly - admitted to the attendant hacks that it had set out to create a rather clichéd, touristy Japanese ambience, and it has certainly succeeded in that aim.

The action starts in a hotel in LA where, with your Japanese girlfriend Miyu, you are about to meet the somewhat intimidating Mr Sato, your prospective father-in-law. Cleverly, Red Steel adjusts the Wiimote’s sensitivity to suit you by getting you to point at various fish in a huge tank. Naturally, a bunch of yakuza appear and attempt a hit on Mr Sato, who escapes with Miyu.

Control system
You pick up a gun and get a quick tutorial in how to use it. Red Steel makes permanent use of the nunchuk, which handles movement, with ducking and jumping assigned to its two buttons. The Wiimote lets you point, and shoot using the trigger on its underside.

You can also “focus” on an individual enemy by holding down the [A] button on the Wiimote, which stops you moving about. Thrusting the Wiimote towards the screen lets you zoom in this mode, which proves a touch fiddly. Right on the D-Pad triggers a reload; left changes weapons (you can carry two).

To open doors, you need to get close to them and point at them, at which point a green hand appears. A mere downward movement of the nunchuk opens them; the same system is used for kicking over tables to use as cover.

In practice, the shooting system works pretty well – with movement assigned to the nunchuk joystick, it’s easy to strafe, and The enemy focus helps steady your hand when taking on distant enemies. You won’t want to use it in close-up, though, where it’s essential to keep moving. You swiftly find an Uzi and a shotgun, both fairly standard examples of such weapons.

The shotgun only takes six shells, though, so frequent reloading is a must. There is one annoying aspect of the shooting at increasing amounts of enemies which dominates the first level, though: the camera is fairly tight, and it can be difficult to locate your enemies. Red arrows on screen are supposed to show where fire is coming from, but they simply don’t work. When you reload, the Wiimote speaker plays a reloading noise, which is a cute touch.
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RiseFromYourGrave 24 Nov 2006 19:27
all the conflicting opinions on this game are confusing indeed, but ill take your word for it spong

my friend really wanted this game pre-launch, now hes not so sure at all. seems a shame, ill direct him this way
majin dboy 25 Nov 2006 11:46
am i that friend?lol

i was really looking forward to RS,i mean i thot it was gona be sumthing special.i knew the idea and principle behind it cud have made it an essestial purchase but,looks like it wasnt that well executed.probab;y will still get it tho,that or CoD or monkey ball.
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RiseFromYourGrave 25 Nov 2006 12:33
youll get DBZ: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 as well i take it, majin?

my friend has said that after reading this review, and the one over at cvg, he's going to give red steel a shot, and hes quietly confident hell like it quite a lot. christmas is saved!
Jay 27 Nov 2006 17:27
Had a go on this on Friday - it really isn't very good at all. It was originally on my launch day list but there's no way I'll be buying it now I've seen it. With or without 'next-gen' graphics, games these days need to be standing alongside COD3 and Gears in terms of quality - by comparison, Red Steel is cringeworthy.
majin dboy 27 Nov 2006 17:41
think im gona go with zelda and monkey ball,im not a huge fan of fighters,cept smash bros.
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