Lionhead's Project Natal Video... Fakery?

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Topic started: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 10:35
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Sat, 6 Jun 2009 14:18

You make a very good point. Your hand will move much quicker through air than it will through water, which is were project Natal has a huge flaw. There is no feedback! The brain relies on feedback to truly understand what is happening, this is why something like this will never really be brilliant you might as well go and find a pond, that is the most realism that can be created, reality its self! We have become far to engrossed into creating reality in a gaming environment, when you might as well just go and enjoy reality.

I'd have to agree this video is staged, its a PR video so of course its going to try and show the product off in the best possible light.

Your remark about the PSMC "pink ball on the end of it lmfao", are you trying to aggravate people? Its a prototype i.e its in development. Sony clearly stated that at the beginning. The controller wont look like that in the end. The fact they did a live demo showed that they have far more confidence in there system than Microsoft do in there product.

We'll all have to wait and see how the projects develop but, the PSMC has got a release date of early 2010 which I'd of thought is very realistic, who knows when project Natal will appear but, aren't Microsoft meant to be releasing a new console at some stage in the next few years. I wouldn't be surprised if project Natal is designed for their next console. They just forgot to mention that fact.
Sat, 6 Jun 2009 14:31
Alright, I dont know how people believe this isn't a fake. I completely agree with you. The video proves it!!! That being said, natal is NOT the savior of gaming even if it does work. There are too many questions left unanswered. Like, how would you move around in an RPG or action adventure game? The fact is, both MS and SONY treat their tech like it is bringing something completely new to the table. When in reality, Nintendo has been on this track for years. Both MS and SONY laughed at nintendo, calling the Wii a fad and a gimmick. Now, after three years of getting their butts kicked they are eating some massive crow. THAT is what natal is about... fake or not.
Joined 4 Jul 2007
Sat, 6 Jun 2009 14:53
OK, after reading far too many annoymous posts, why is it so many people think that Nintendo Invented Motion Sense Devices?

Its like when Ninty Used Analog and Vibration on the N64, they didnt invent this stuff they just had the forsight to use it, and they got lucky and was un-prepared for the sucess of both the DS and Wii.

Agreed MS and Sony now like to make out they are bringing something new to the table, without so much of a hint towards Nintendo, but we all knew it was coming what did people expect?

No matter what they brought the line would be draw between them and Nintendo.

Also lets not forget this isnt the Sole controller for MS or Sony nor is it a replacement for it, so traditional gaming will still continue.

As far as MS with no buttons on Natal, you have nothign in your hands use the controller? if its as good as they make out you can use the controller using natal for other things,


Playing Halo 4 you could use you pad like normal but on team based games you could use natal to draw tatics on maps in team based games, give hand based gestures to send messages to certain team mates, have you feet mapped to certain weapons or grenades, i see natal as an extension of the controller, and a plus for using the Dashboard with out controllers, and of course some games like milo will work without any controller at all, with Sony and Wii your stuck to the controller they give you for motion.
Sat, 6 Jun 2009 15:24
This is so fake itīs embarrassing. The LCD image isnīt even there itīs post produced, the actress reflection in the water doesnīt fit, she knows exactly what is goinf to happen next, see her pre catching the googles when Fakelo throws them at her
Sat, 6 Jun 2009 15:36
Whatīs great of the wii-like wand of Sony? that now there are two major console makers with the same peripheal, so big game companies will feel motivated to make more REAL games, not the crap that fills the wii. I would like to see no more heroes or madworld in my ps3, and even more great games utilizing the potential of the motion controller.
Sat, 6 Jun 2009 16:00
Is this the smell of fanboy mixed with an inferiority complex? Hummm...
Sat, 6 Jun 2009 16:53
this article is based on WATCHING a video... enough with this B.S go ask the people WHO ACTUALLY USED MILO FIRST HAND

p.s. the author of this article needs to get real info than watching videos from youtube ;D
Sat, 6 Jun 2009 18:09
That video is acted. I noticed a weird part when I saw it live and now that I have watched it again and am able to rewind and pause I can see it for sure. The second time she goes to tap the water she reaches oddly fast and much faster than the other times where she looks to be more of relaxed motioned. That's because if you watch (at about 2:36) the reflection is already hitting the surface of the water. She's trying to play catch up with her "reflection". I also think it's odd that when she first steps in front of the water that her reflection first shows up coming in from the side as if she walks in from the side where in all reality she is right in front of the pond from the get go.
Joined 13 Apr 2005
Sat, 6 Jun 2009 18:39
haritori wrote:

Playing Halo 4 you could use you pad like normal but on team based games you could use natal to draw tatics on maps in team based games, give hand based gestures to send messages to certain team mates, have you feet mapped to certain weapons or grenades, i see natal as an extension of the controller, and a plus for using the Dashboard with out controllers, and of course some games like milo will work without any controller at all, with Sony and Wii your stuck to the controller they give you for motion.

PLease, don't ever become a game-designer or analyst about anything gaming.

1) Natal isn't accuarate enough to do half that stuff

2) Use feet to utilize weapons and grenades and hold a controller? So you want gaming to die and burn because it can't attract people trough (more) too complicated controls... fantastic!

3) Natal and the PS3 wands are NOT motion-sensing, they're motion-tracking. This was concluded already with the EyeToy and offcourse every gaming journalist forgot about that, proven the huge unprofessionalism of gaming journalism in general. To give you an example what i mean. Go stand up and push down on your left leg without having your right foot leave the ground. You are now doing something Natal and the PS3 wands cannot detect, but NIntendo with their balance board can. Now move your arm ina pushing motion quite fast, now do the ame thing but with moe force, Natal and the PS3-wand will not be able to detect this difference, The Wiimote can. Why? Well ask yourself, what causes motion? It's the exertion of force on a object, the result? The object moves in space with a certain speed. Natal and the PS3 wands can only track the result, not the source, wich the Wiimote can. The Red Steel 2 demo showed this that it can detect differences in force applied.

So in their quest to circumvent NIntendo's patents, Sony and MS circumvented true motion-sensing and replaced it with shallow motion-tracking showing that they actually do not understand what the Wii is actually about. Not saying that motion-tracking can't be accurate, it's what motion-capture is based on. But it cannot sense the "meaning" (aka force) behind the motion, it just sees the motion and calls it quits. The difference in this can be very subtle and potentially very big, in favor for Nintendo.
Sat, 6 Jun 2009 18:54
Before jumping to conclusion about the demo being fake maybe it needs to be considered that games have errors and the camera might have registered her movements incorrectly. Personally I think that the demo probably is a fake but not because it registered a small movement incorrectly.
Sat, 6 Jun 2009 18:57
Meh, who cares if it was set up..doesn't change the fact that this looks lame as hell and damn near no one wants to say it. I mean, a virtual "friend" - it looks kinda creepy. But hey, those Xbox Fans will grab and hold on to ANYTHING they can. Praise it like it's the third coming of Jesus, go ahead, do it.

Sat, 6 Jun 2009 19:09
of course eyetoy has done this before, but it wasn't really that great. It was more of a "heres a image of me on the other side like a mirror and I wave my arms around yippee" kind of thing. With Natal YOU are the character to a fact that you don't see a mirror image of yourself looking back. And the tracking is outstanding! With the whole Milo thing... There is no doubt Claire talked to Milo before but with the whole hand thing, the tracking maybe was off a tad bit which gave the illusion that her reflection was doing things before her. Oh and one last thing... Natal will kick ps3 motion controllers ass!!
Sat, 6 Jun 2009 19:11
Milo is so fake. There is such an obvious lag when she puts her hands in the water, and even the reflection doesn't read her. Plus, Milo is just a bunch of prerecorded animations and is scrapped after 300 hours. So much for AI. (And I don't have a PS3, I have a Wii, so I'm not worried about NATAL)
Sat, 6 Jun 2009 21:43
Sci-Fi imaginers have made this up before. In the movie Time Machine there is a Holographic Librarian thats no different. Not to mention the Eye Toy on the ps3 does the same stuff with the eye pet which was demod long before this where you interact with a pet which you can touch and interact with.
nme medic
Sat, 6 Jun 2009 22:37
you people are stupid who cares if it looked fake. its a new demo and MS wont release untill it works so stop acting like you people are the ones making new tech because the truth is your just lazy ass f**ks. When you make something that changes gaming then you can talk all the crap you want.

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