Euro PSP to Ship With Anti-MAME Upgrade Pre-installed

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Topic started: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 13:47
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Joined 28 Jun 2000
Fri, 19 Aug 2005 13:08
Fair enough. I don't blame you. I'm hoping to move to a rural quiet backwater in the US later this year. It's half an hour from a major city (Seattle) but looks like this:

Joined 29 Nov 2004
Fri, 19 Aug 2005 13:46
Looks like you won't be needing that valium anymore, mate :)
Joined 28 Jun 2000
Fri, 19 Aug 2005 13:50
kid_77 wrote:
Looks like you won't be needing that valium anymore, mate :)

Funny you should say that as it is literally the exact reason I need to go! :-)
Joined 10 Jun 2005
Fri, 19 Aug 2005 14:00
PreciousRoi wrote:
way wrote:
Having read most of he rest of the thread we can agree.

Replying to yourself? Sorta unsurprising that you're agreeing with yourself...certainly most of the opinions you've expressed, rooted as they are in an entirely unrealistic worldview, are so ludicrous, any who are familiar with my typical style will appreciate how hard it was to refrain from commenting on your incredible lack of insight.

For good grief! Yo, who died and made you knit wit of the month, get off your high pony. OK, my apologies for replying to myself. Unfortunately, I clicked the wrong button, keep forgetting this isn't a flat thread.

Ultimately they can make it how they want, but we are disputing our rights here. Realistically, if you had a reasonable world view you would know of the push to change laws to eliminate reverse engineering or unlicensed development that I am also talking about. Nothing is meant to have a go at anybody here (except for that article and some anti-consumer like pro industry views). The Precious Rio, don't get so riled, nevertheless I'll answer your comments in like to how they were put, but not quiet in the same manner. Realistically, I have given reasonable objective answers and conclusions so what does that make you. Obviously you are living in dream land in denial of the reality, and yes reasonable people don't support dribble like yours but how many reasonable people are there, very few. Listen, go and find the last remaining slave market and advocate how good it's free enterprise model world view is, maybe you might even think it is a bargain to pay them to take you. Love the picture, speaks a thousand words about ego, how come you think I don't use one, rather let real words speak.

No, If you support people doping anything they wish, however wrong it is, then you are sillier than you sound.
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Fri, 19 Aug 2005 14:42
Pathetic. (and I'm not even referring to your grammar and spelling)

Using slave markets to deride free enterprise in the name of "homebrew" software development, which, in the case of the MAME/MESS you mentioned (and that IS the ONLY type of allegedy "homebrew" applications you've mentioned specifically), Intellectual Property Theft, or Piracy, just the same as the guy downloading the latest games. Or have they made all those ROMs public domain already? Since you show such contempt for the Free Market system I have no choice but to refer you to the giant Soviet slave market that was Eastern Europe. You can cloak it in all the relative morality you want, representing ROM piracy as "homebrew" is insulting to actual homebrewed software. As I have said before, I would support an early sunset for copyright protections for games, but until it happens you're just a common thief, bud.

For the record, I don't support people doing whatever they wish...but they keep on doing whatever they wish, so I quit bitching about it and learned to deal with the world as it is, not as I wish it to be.

As to reasonable answers and conclusions, I seen more lies and bombast than anything remotely like that, so I answered with Truth (and Bombast).

p.s. ALL y'all's metaphors are teh suck.
Joined 10 Jun 2005
Fri, 19 Aug 2005 14:48
TigerUppercut wrote:
Fair enough. I don't blame you. I'm hoping to move to a rural quiet backwater in the US later this year. It's half an hour from a major city (Seattle) but looks like this:

Cool, my sort of man, not only a Peugeot, but the nice girl to go with it. Blush, you are doing well, definitely not the stereotypical nerd.

Joined 10 Jun 2005
Fri, 19 Aug 2005 14:53
PreciousRoi wrote:
Pathetic. (and I'm not even referring to your grammar and spelling)

My apologies, after your reply where you were trying to wind me up, I was messing around ;). Get the letter of the first word of each paragraph, and then the rest of the sentences. String them all together except for 'nothing', which is a space, and add a space between the paragraph letters and the sentence letters. It should have been easy to spot with the extra words on the front of the ordinary statements. Fitted pretty well, even after the re-write.



[Space] Nothing


I did say '..I'll answer your comments in like to how they were put, but not quiet in the same manner.' ;) As I said, I'm used to wind ups, experience with Australians, I've also had experience dealing with trolls trying to wind up arguments with unfathomably unreasonable arguments in times past.

I am seriously not interested in stirring people here, but in having a go at the industry and there insiders and the problems there. I am seriously thinking there should be a universal game system format, and am thinking of finding that person I saw writing about it, to work on it. But as you all probably know from your own lives, that there is a load of work to do before thinking about taking anything like that on.

Joined 28 Jun 2000
Fri, 19 Aug 2005 15:24
way wrote:
Cool, my sort of man, not only a Peugeot, but the nice girl to go with it. Blush, you are doing well, definitely not the stereotypical nerd.


It's all a cunning ruse! My wife is stuck in the US until next week (massive crying goes here) and I swapped the Pug (stage one 205 Gti 1.9) for a Massive 1978 Mercedes 350 SE V8 - to be completed Sunday.

I am fraud!
preciousroi wrote:
p.s. ALL y'all's metaphors are teh suck.
OMGWTF?!!111! That's what this place needs more of! LOLRZ!!11!

Joined 10 Jun 2005
Fri, 19 Aug 2005 15:40
TigerUppercut wrote:
It's all a cunning ruse! My wife is stuck in the US until next week (massive crying goes here) and I swapped the Pug for a Massive 1978 Mercedes 350 SE V8 - to be completed Sunday.

I am fraud!

Shame, that is your wife in the photo at least, isn't it?

preciousroi wrote:
p.s. ALL y'all's metaphors are teh suck.
OMGWTF?!!111! That's what this place needs more of! LOLRZ!!11!

Hmm. very cunning bit of the spelling and grammar mistakes there, I missed that, thanks for alerting me to it Tiger.

There are those who read the rules, and there are those who know enough to know how to write better ones, guess which you should ask!

You can quote that if you want precious.
Joined 28 Jun 2000
Fri, 19 Aug 2005 15:58
I like precious. He's a proper forum user. I'll give him a prize soon. Speaking of which, we have a competition coming online next week. It's for a PSP and a big range of slightly average UMD movies. I'll let you know though I'm sure you'll see it.

And yeah, that's my lady wife on the ferry back from Seattle.

Here's us doing our best poses:

The ferry's are really nice around WA, don't know if anyone's ever ridden one here. You chug along past the city out the islands and you can get 50c pieces and $2 notes at the terminal. And they have arcade games on them! And some other cool stuff, like psycho seagulls!

Oh, and surgery aftermath: Less cool!

Joined 10 Jun 2005
Fri, 19 Aug 2005 16:14
TigerUppercut wrote:
Speaking of which, we have a competition coming online next week. It's for a PSP and a big range of slightly average UMD movies. I'll let you know though I'm sure you'll see it.


And yeah, that's my lady wife on the ferry back from Seattle.

The man! She looks like a very sweet person. Sweet people are worth there weight in gold, hard to find them nowadays, good on you.

Oh yes, I know the photo's are shot in low contrasty light, but what camera are you using, they look awfully good?


Joined 12 Mar 2004
Fri, 19 Aug 2005 22:41
Thank you Way, for that is exactly what I was trying to say. If Sony got off their arses and supported homebrewers creativity (MS could do the same too) the pirates would be very stuck and could be frozen out in the cold. Not doing this just confuses and causes problems.

If they are two sides of jekyll and hyde style beast then things will be much harder to deal with. You won't know who's who untl you try the above though.

Joined 12 Mar 2004
Fri, 19 Aug 2005 23:34
I know you do Joji, but you are on a bit of an anti-Sony tip today. I don't see what's got you so riled up, you usually have such a balanced view of things, you've won prizes for it. However, the posting that started this thread is not like you at all.

Sony have closed a few loopholes in their firmware to try and prevent piracy. Closing those loopholes also makes homebrew developers unable to run their code. This prevents us reaching the nirvana of playing 20 year old games on the move. To be honest, I don't see this as a huge loss myself.

If there was much interest in portable MAME and MESS, then there would have been many more GamePark 32 handhelds sold.

LOL, Anti Sony rant n' rave! If something annoys me I just say so, it's not about being anti Sony or any of that jibe. As I've said before MS and Nintendo get their fair share of praise and criticism from me and Sony are no different in that respect.

Speaking of respect, it's a two way street not one way. Sometimes I get the impression that there's a distinct lack of respect for coming from Sony (even though I know it's not exclusive to them). Or maybe we all just enjoy screwing each other over for what we can get.

Perhaps this is all the result of a dog eat dog world. For instance we want games like Xenosaga and Katamari Damacy but we are denied them without reason given to us gamers, so many strive to import. This frustrates many a gamer, and while we understand why we have different regions sometimes it not enough to comfort your gaming needs. When we don't get what we want that just plays into the hands of the pirates who can provide which is a shame, really. How different it could have been.

They screw us over, we screw tham back and the dance goes on. Care for another dance, anyone?

I love to stir the pool of debate and hear what others have to say anyways. With 40+ posts we aren't doing to badly.

Joined 3 Apr 2005
Sat, 20 Aug 2005 00:51
dude shes adorable...
Joined 3 Apr 2005
Sat, 20 Aug 2005 02:04
Joji wrote:
Perhaps this is all the result of a dog eat dog world. For instance we want games like Xenosaga and Katamari Damacy but we are denied them without reason given to us gamers, so many strive to import. This frustrates many a gamer, and while we understand why we have different regions sometimes it not enough to comfort your gaming needs. When we don't get what we want that just plays into the hands of the pirates who can provide which is a shame, really. How different it could have been.

They screw us over, we screw tham back and the dance goes on. Care for another dance, anyone?

I love to stir the pool of debate and hear what others have to say anyways. With 40+ posts we aren't doing to badly.

Most astute thing I've seen you say on the boards (though I probably would have characterized it differently, the "dance" implies elegance, while "screwing them over", not so much)...Spiritually, I see its parallel in other aspects of technological development, for instance fortifications and siege weaponry or arms and armor. I'm pretty much convinced that either intentionally or unintentionally MS has used the "scene" to further their knowledge of what consumers want Though it may have been their plan all along and they certainly could have realized this through other means, I think the development of XBMC has spurred MS in this direction. How much more valuable marketing information could you want than What People Actaully Want (and Use).

There have always been commonsene (and Fair Use) arguments to be made. For instance copy protection on the Commodore 64 consisted of providing the consumer with product of the lowest possible quality, so any copies would be even worse. Of course this meant that if you played the game a lot the bastard wore out and you were "screwed" if you hadn't "screwed" them first by making a backup, using Fast Hack'Em. With this comes the realization that you are paying premium price for intentionally shoddy merchandise. Of these realizations, adversarial relationships are borned. Just ask those poor bastards at the RIAA, EVERYBODY HATES those guys, the WORST thing the games (or movie) industry could do is throw in with those evil bastards.

But I digress, I think the pendulum has swung too far for too long in favor of the pirates, its due to swing back. The games industry is justly horrified when they see rich suburban kids running around with albums brimming with pirated games, these very kids whose parents could easily afford to buy them at least a sizable portion of games, instead get modchips, burners, and blanks...and don't think that many of the parents don't approve of whats going on...

Jr. - "Hey Mom, for the price of 4 games, (only 2 if they already have the burner) I can have 50 games (addnl. 50 games for price of 1 ea.)"

Mom - "Sounds good son, by the way, I need the soundtrack to Animal House for my class reunion, could you download and burn it to a CD for me?"

Jr. - "Sure Thing Mom, but you know you could do it yourself, here let me show you how, its easy..."

Mom - "Wow, it sure is. Arrrr."

Anyways, I think the advent of online gaming should swing the penulum back the other way, but we shall see. We shall see.

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