BVG signs Turok – First artwork inside

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Topic started: Fri, 27 May 2005 14:24
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Joined 4 May 2005
Thu, 2 Jun 2005 19:58
Now I'm just wondering if they'll go with using the arcade style fast action combat... or dig into the rich History of Turok and make a different style of Dinosaur Hunter game?

To be honest if I were them I'd revitalize the Turok brand by releasing an Anthology packaged with slight tweaks on glitches and other such things. Release it for like 20-30 bucks on all platforms... or just the FPS juggernaut known as the X-Box.
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Fri, 3 Jun 2005 00:03
PEN15 wrote:
... or dig into the rich History of Turok and make a different style of Dinosaur Hunter game?

Rich history?! Ha ha ha, only Turok 1 and 2 has decent stories and I mean DECENT. Not even as good as Halo 2s half assed story. What they need to do is start over with everything and build from ground up. The mythology is the only thing that's cool. That and a few of 2s weapons.

PEN15 wrote:
or just the FPS juggernaut known as the X-Box.

FPS Juggernaut!? More like Halo 2 machine. Tell what other exclusive FPS that you play on that machine? And Brute Force doesn't count no matter what Lupos tells ya.
Joined 4 May 2005
Fri, 3 Jun 2005 17:21
vault 13 wrote:
PEN15 wrote:
... or dig into the rich History of Turok and make a different style of Dinosaur Hunter game?

Rich history?! Ha ha ha, only Turok 1 and 2 has decent stories and I mean DECENT. Not even as good as Halo 2s half assed story. What they need to do is start over with everything and build from ground up. The mythology is the only thing that's cool. That and a few of 2s weapons.

PEN15 wrote:
or just the FPS juggernaut known as the X-Box.

FPS Juggernaut!? More like Halo 2 machine. Tell what other exclusive FPS that you play on that machine? And Brute Force doesn't count no matter what Lupos tells ya.

Why I'm argueing with someone who is so little informed on the subject I don't know.

Turok comes from an old comic book featuring Tal' Set and his young friend who's name escapes me at the moment. The comic book had a healthy run, but it wasn't until the 90s verion of the comic was released that someone took notice and considered a videogame adaptation.

Kinda like how Turok 1 and Turok 2 main characters aren't the same person. Turok 2 stars Joshua Fireseed. So please take your head out your ass cuz I'm not some uninformed fanboy. I admit to the flaws of the series as much as you. Though you have some sort of vengence against it or something.

Also Doom 3, Half-Life 2, Rainbow Six, Unreal Championship, Brute Force, Splinter Cell Sequels, etc. I am aware those are on the PC... but I, like most, don't have $3,000 to upgrade my PC to the rediculous standards. Why buy a $300 graphics card when I have a $300 machine that does the same and then some.
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Sat, 4 Jun 2005 17:16
PEN15 wrote:
Also Doom 3, Half-Life 2, Rainbow Six, Unreal Championship, Brute Force, Splinter Cell Sequels, etc. I am aware those are on the PC... but I, like most, don't have $3,000 to upgrade my PC to the rediculous standards. Why buy a $300 graphics card when I have a $300 machine that does the same and then some.

Ridiculous with an i, a couple of hundred unless you have a Pentium 286 with a meg of ram or something, X-Box looks nice peroid. It's in no way comparable to a PC.

There. Now your post is correct.
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Mon, 6 Jun 2005 10:42
vault 13 wrote:

FPS Juggernaut!? More like Halo 2 machine. Tell what other exclusive FPS that you play on that machine? And Brute Force doesn't count no matter what Lupos tells ya.

first off... i dont like it... i bough ti before it was reviewed hoping it would be good... i was mistaken.

secondly its third person.... not first.. so it woudl be on the list


fourthly:rainbow six and all its sequels

fifthly: all the ghost recons

sixthly: far cry

seventhly: halflife2

eigthly... basically every person person shooter made in the past 5 years except for killzone and metroid (which is more of an adventure game i know)

ninethly... you really need to stop referencingmy one time purchase fo a s**t game... no one on here understands your joke... and you atill defend kinetica to this least i knew after 5 miknute that brute force was s**t.
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Tue, 7 Jun 2005 04:02
See the thing your missing her is that the PC counterparts to ALL of those games were far superior to the X-Box ones. Consoles really don't have good first/third person shooters. I consider first and third in the same light, most people who like one like the other.
The gameplay may be a bit different, but living in a world where cross breeding genres is commonplace, I think you would all agree. If there were any other FPSes I would want to play on any console other than Halo (and I only play that mainly because it's what all my friend's play and the game types are quite fresh) would be Killzone and Timesplitters Future Perfect. All the good stuff comes on PC and then gets ported to consoles in usually watered down (READ: easy and idiot proof to appeal to a mass audience) versions. Just like realtime stragety, console versions didn't do well. When they start making unique, console specific FPSes, then consoles will start being a viable contender. For proof of my point: Name me as many NON PC available FPSes. And then from that we will cull the good ones and I bet we're left with less than 10. All I'm saying is that when I have the choice of console or PC for FPSes, I'll take PC. I understand not everyone can afford such up to date and massive rigs that some of us have (*cough* Vault 13 *cough*) and I'll admit some of the ports are pretty good, but to tell me X-Box is a "FPS Juggernaut" just because it has the most FPSes on it is superfluous to your already adamant love for the big black Halo VCR. ah the unsorted thoughts of the informed gamer. Where's the English major when you need one{}

P.S. From Goldeneye came Halo and then the minor step to Halo 2: what lies next?

P.S.S. Kinetica was a fun game, certainly not a 10 or a 9 or maybe even an 8, but it was fun. I liked it. Brute Force was horse s**t. Almost like Fable was.
vault 13
Joined 22 Oct 2004
Tue, 7 Jun 2005 04:02
See the thing your missing her is that the PC counterparts to ALL of those games were far superior to the X-Box ones. Consoles really don't have good first/third person shooters. I consider first and third in the same light, most people who like one like the other.
The gameplay may be a bit different, but living in a world where cross breeding genres is commonplace, I think you would all agree. If there were any other FPSes I would want to play on any console other than Halo (and I only play that mainly because it's what all my friend's play and the game types are quite fresh) would be Killzone and Timesplitters Future Perfect. All the good stuff comes on PC and then gets ported to consoles in usually watered down (READ: easy and idiot proof to appeal to a mass audience) versions. Just like realtime stragety, console versions didn't do well. When they start making unique, console specific FPSes, then consoles will start being a viable contender. For proof of my point: Name me as many NON PC available FPSes. And then from that we will cull the good ones and I bet we're left with less than 10. All I'm saying is that when I have the choice of console or PC for FPSes, I'll take PC. I understand not everyone can afford such up to date and massive rigs that some of us have (*cough* Vault 13 *cough*) and I'll admit some of the ports are pretty good, but to tell me X-Box is a "FPS Juggernaut" just because it has the most FPSes on it is superfluous to your already adamant love for the big black Halo VCR. Ah the unsorted thoughts of the informed gamer. Where's the English major when you need one{}

P.S. From Goldeneye came Halo and then the minor step to Halo 2: what lies next?

P.S.S. Kinetica was a fun game, certainly not a 10 or a 9 or maybe even an 8, but it was fun. I liked it. Brute Force was horse s**t. Almost like Fable was.
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