JFK shooting game – A collection of hysteria

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Topic started: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 17:08
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Joined 30 Sep 2004
Fri, 26 Nov 2004 16:26
I have nothing else to add to this as i saddly doubt any of this is changing any one elses mind anyway, but i didnt want to cover my own @$$ for the taliban/alqueda slip up before, i understand the difference and was just lettign it fly and used the wrong name. i feel rather stupid for it as it probablky sorely dimminishes anyones chances of anyone taking the rest of my post at all seriously, but i digress.

in other news: speaking as a serious liberal i would like to express my admiration for the way some of the "right wing nut jobs" have expressed their views in this thread, while i still don't agree with it (AT ALL) you give a much more compelling (albeit missguided) argument for your side than the likes of rush limbaugh. At least i can now better understand why you think the way you do.

Joined 12 Mar 2004
Fri, 26 Nov 2004 16:53
I'd just like to say that despite the fact this was thread supposed to be about a game, this has been one of the better debates we've had on this site, for a good while.

We might not agree on everything but it's good to talk rather than fight anyday. All of you spong crew and posters out there it been a lot of interesting, thought provoking, fun. Thank you.

On top of that, the gaming news has been really low key of late, what's going on Spong crew? Does it always get like this with news, around chrimbo?
Joined 25 Jun 2004
Sat, 27 Nov 2004 00:42
Jack Dolcette wrote:
We either realize it sooner than later and do everything we can to stop them, or wake up one day and see your home town blasted into nothingness, along with your families and anything else remotely of value.

s**t, look, behind you; they are everywhere! over there, with the commies!

This alarmist propaganda is the exact type of s**t that makes people waltze into other countries saying "I am better than you because my god says so". Every religeon breeds fundamentalists - I mean really, is it christian to go about murdering doctors? Up until the 80's it was the damn reds under the bed, in the 90's it was the cultists and that nasty David Koresh, now it's those pesky muslim terrorists. Why can't people see the way their governments manipulate them by dangling the carrot of the bogey man, to scare them into agreeing with the latest flavour-of-the-month enemy?

Jack Dolcette wrote:

Too bad some of us don't see it is freedom which is allowing it. Freedom which ensures you can say just about anything you want here, and even produce games as reprehensible and vile as JFK Reloaded, and not be the least bit concerned there'll be a pounding knock at the door at 5:00 a.m. by someone demanding your attention downtown.

agghhghggggg! surely then you have never spoken out for anything more than the stars and stripes?!? In the mid 90's I had a web site forcibly removed because of censorship laws imposed by the Australian government. I have had friends beaten up by police for demanding their freedoms while the elected Prime Minister of Burma, Aung San Suu Kyi, is still under house arrest after the military has refused for over 13 years to allow her to take office. freedom is a thing measured out by those who can take it back - plain and bloody simple.

Your god given right to freedom is nothing more than a warm wet feeling you are taught to have - you have obviously never seen an indiginous Australian beaten down in the street for being free, have you?


Joined 25 Jun 2004
Sat, 27 Nov 2004 00:52
oh, and merry xmas. did I forget to say that?

Joined 24 Jan 2004
Sat, 27 Nov 2004 06:56
mrFloppy wrote:
oh, and merry xmas. did I forget to say that?

Well, no, you clearly didn't... but you SHOULD have.

I can take all the illegal invasions of sovereign states, the erosion of liberty, and the demonization of Islam. But one thing that REALLY pisses me off is people saying "Happy Christmas" before it's even December.

Will you now start wishing people a happy new year next Saturday (Dec 4th!!!), and then will we be on to Easter?

The moving forward of Christmas is a purely commercial activity, to create a longer pre-christmas buying period. Stores want you to begin thinking about Christmas the minute you're back from your vacation in July. It's crap.

Remember, us Americans wishing you a happy holidays in this thread are talking about Thanksgiving, which we've just celibrated. It's a time of the year when our families gather together to give thanks that we don't have to see one another again for a year, then we stuff ourselves and watch football. And Macy's have a huge parade up Broadway to celebrate how much money they are gonna take from us in the next four weeks.

Sorry for hijacking your thread... and I am more bothered about those other things really.
Joined 25 Jun 2004
Sat, 27 Nov 2004 11:16
Rod Todd wrote:
Will you now start wishing people a happy new year next Saturday (Dec 4th!!!), and then will we be on to Easter?

now that makes me think...I can get away with never having to wish anyone anything again if we really push this one to the limit.

happy-bloody-merry-birthday-christmas-easter and have a great new year everyone I have ever known and will ever know.

phew. Might be a little early - I know - but that should carry me well into the next decade at least.

now, where'd I leave that coffee....

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