JFK shooting game – A collection of hysteria

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Topic started: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 17:08
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Joined 23 Nov 2004
Wed, 24 Nov 2004 02:55

"...you see the term 'by whatever means possible' and 'civilized' ? yeah, well they don't really go together."

I didn't use the two terms in the same sentence. You did. And certainly, the U.S. (and Russia and France and the UK), can turn any nation into a glass parking lot. So one has to assume the phrase "by whatever means possible" is relative. Sorry this subtlety was lost on you.

"...but I guess the worlds biggest terrorist nation leading a 'war against terror' seems kind of strange to me too."

In 2003, the U.S. government provided $15.7 billion dollars in "official development assistance" (non-military) aid to the poorer nations of the world. That's almost twice the amount donated by the next most generous nation, Japan, a country helped back onto its feet by the U.S. after it attacked and was defeated by the U.S. (by unnecessary use of nukes, right?).

However, this pales in comparison to the money donated by Americans as private entities, whether businesses, foundations or individuals, which reached $34 billion last year alone.

Combined, the U.S. handed out about $50 billion to overseas recipients in twelve, short months, to literally dozens and dozens of nations. Now, using your assertion, I suppose the U.S. holds guns to the heads of the people of the world (or, B-2s over their cities) and says "You'd better take this money or we open fire."

Yes, I can see your point. Americans, terrorists, what's the difference. Silly me.
Joined 24 Jan 2004
Wed, 24 Nov 2004 08:26
rlw1951 wrote:
Talk about vapid, moronic nonsense. Your understanding of americans, american culture and the general state of the world is shallow and unfortunately, typical of the current generation of europeans.

Well, I'm an American. But I've lived lots of my life in Europe and Asia. And I agree with them. America is a greed powered empire that has lost its perspective. It believes it has a right to ride rough-shod over the desires and interests of all forgeign cultures. It is an apparetlny unstoppable monster.

Most Americans have never left America, they have never seent he beauty and dicersity that the rest of the world has to offer... and do you know what, they never will... because by the time they get here it will all be Gap and Starbucks and owned by Texans.

This is just a violent, despicable videogame that capitalizes on a terrible american tragedy.

Americans buy MILLIONS of violent and dispicable videogames every year.

What's more, we sell guns, and have more gun deaths per capita than any other "civilised" country. Even though the constiution only gives the right to bear arms to members of a well organised militia (and they are the most frightening of all!!!).

Don't talk to me about violence.

How about a game recreating the death of Princess Di? Grow up!!!

Bring it on. Despite what Franklin Mint might be trying to make you think now they've robbed the Diana Memorial Charity, many people outside America thought she was a manipulative, attention seeking fame junky.
Joined 24 Jan 2004
Wed, 24 Nov 2004 08:37
Jack Dolcette wrote:
Sponge's take on the JFK game is all wrong.

SPOnG, Jack. It's called SPOnG.

Just as the U.S. saved half the world from speaking German and the other half from speaking Japanese,

Do you get the feeling that Jack learned his history exclusively from US made war movies?

the U.S. isn't trying to "get richer."

Do you get the feeling that Jack lives in Texas, and has the second name "Bush"? Or maybe that he has been completely brainwashed by American propoganda? That he really BELIEVES this stuff.

The operation in Iraq is costing billions of dollars, and the money obtained from the sale of their oil is being accounted for far more accurately than it ever has been before.

Accounted for by who Jack? By independent and uninterested thirtd parties? By the United Nations?

Or by the nation who is raking in Billions in rebuilding contracts (for vice president Cheney's 'former' company), and who is assuring itself of an oil supply long after domestic stocks run out?

If Sponge thinks the U.S. is getting richer, they're crazier than the makers of JFK Reloaded is.

SPOnG, Jack. It's called SPOnG.

Right now, the U.S. is trying to keep ultra-murderous and super-hate-filled extremists from obtaining nukes (and similar, nasty things)

Couple issues there, Jack. Where did all these terrorists come from? Were they not trained by the CIA?

And why are they so super-hate-filled? Is it not because America strongly supports Israeli occupation of arab territory, that America attempts to manipulate their culture and their countries?

Don't give us the America hates terrorists crap, when America was more than happy to deal with the Taliban when it meant they would get an Afghani oil pipline.

And where does the ONLY country that EVER dropped nuclear weapons on people (and people who were lost, scared, demoralised and wanting to surrender - just as a test of their new weapons) get off on deciding who can and who cannot have nuclear weapons? Who gave America that right?
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Wed, 24 Nov 2004 09:42
Jack Dolcette wrote:
In 2003, the U.S. government provided $15.7 billion dollars in "official development assistance" (non-military) aid to the poorer nations of the world.

I suppose that was to make amends for the millions, possibly billions of tax payer's dollars the USG floated to Afghanistan (yes, to the Taliban) to fight the Russians, and to both side of the Iran/Iraq war.

So when you see crazy Abdul-Thingymabob firing wildly at those young innocent GIs, spare a thought for the kindly, selfless government that paid for Abdul's armoury.

Reap what you sow, and all that.
Joined 24 Jan 2004
Wed, 24 Nov 2004 10:54
Jack Dolcette wrote:

In 2003, the U.S. government provided $15.7 billion dollars in "official development assistance" (non-military) aid to the poorer nations of the world.

This is typically administered by the World Bank, which is an arm of the US treasury.

The money usually comes with massive ties. It has to be used on infrastructure projects that have to be given to US corporations - not exactly helping the recipient country's trade deficit - or bringing work to its citizens. The recipient countries are also typically forced into a free-market capitalist system that requires them to sell off their existing infrastructure to the only people who can afford it - American corporations - who then profit strip them taking money OUT of the poorer country's economy - causing joblessness and further poverty. Even in giving, America sucks the very life from other countries. And it's all justified in the name of unrestricted free-market capitalism.

Indeed, speaking against capitalism is considered to be speaking against America, against freedom itself. Capitalism is a good system... as long as there are checks and balances to restrict corporate power, and to enforce social responsibility. But the powerful have the money to buy off those checks, and the power to destroy the balances.

However, this pales in comparison to the money donated by Americans as private entities, whether businesses, foundations or individuals, which reached $34 billion last year alone.

Such charitable giving is required by a country that has such a pitiful social security system, such a pathetic public health system, and so little government support for the arts.

And if we give so generously, why is there such poverty, such hunger, and so much poor health. Why does the US Census Bureau report that there are 35,000,000 Americans living in poverty? And increase of 1.7 million in a single year.

Conversely. Each year, according to USDA figures, America wastes 1 billion lbs of food - worth $31 billion. Enough to feed 700,000,000 in poor nations.

Now, using your assertion, I suppose the U.S. holds guns to the heads of the people of the world (or, B-2s over their cities) and says "You'd better take this money or we open fire."

In some cases, yes. In other cases where threats don't work the US supports military coups d'etat that remove leaders who will not take the Yankee Dollar and replace them with ones who will. This is terrorism.

Yes, I can see your point. Americans, terrorists, what's the difference. Silly me.

In Iraq, America waged a war for regime change, this is illegal under International law... terrorism.

In 1963 the CIA recruited memebers of the Iraqi Baath Party (including Saddam Hussein) to assasinate the new leader, Abdul-Karim Kassem. After the coup, the CIA gave the Baath a long list of communists and others to liquidate. During the 1980s the CIA provided weapons to both Iraq and Iran in a war that killed over one million people. Terrorism.

in 1965, the CIA provoked a coup that leads to the overthrow of Indonesian leader Sukarno, who is replaced by General Suharto. In the following months almost one million people are murdered by death squads using lists provided by US State Department. Terrorism.

After interfering in Chilean elections in 1958 and 1964, the CIA began a campaign of sabotage and terror after Salvadore Allende is democratically elected president in 1970. In 1973, a CIA supported coup overthrew and assassinated Allende and installed fascist General Pinochet, resulting in thousands of murders over the next two decades. Terrorism.

In 1989 the US invaded Panama to overthrow Manuel Noriega, who had been on the CIA payroll since 1966 and supported through decades of drug running, political assassination and corrupt elections. After the invasion, which included the fire bombing of an entire urban ghetto, human rights observers uncover mass graves and estimate that over 4,000 died during the invasion. Terrorism.

After Nicaraguan dictator Samosa is overthrown in 1979 by the popular (in Nicaragua, not in Washington) Sandinista government, the CIA helps to train Samosa's National Guard into death squads known as the Contras. The Contras are used to terrorize rural Nicaragua while the US military blockades Nicaragua's harbors with mines. In 1989, after 10,000 deaths, the US is successful in ousting the Sandanista government. Terrorism.

For years, the IRA - a terrorist organisation has received most of its funding from the USA. The SAME contry that swore to come down hard on those who supported terrorism.

I agree. Silly you. But in fairness, you probably learned everything you read on Fox news - which is run by Bush's cousin and owned by a psychopath.

But America is hated because it is hateful. Because it has tried to run the world like its own little game of Risk. Because it has treated the wishes of the people of other contries with no respect at all. Because it has thought it knows better than those people in their choice of leaders. Because it treats democracy that elects non-capitalist leaders as no democracy at all. Because it constantly engineers politics to support its commercial goals. Because it is the worlds biggest supporter and cause of terrorism.

America is reaping what it has sown and now... even its friends are turning their back on it.
Joined 8 Sep 2004
Wed, 24 Nov 2004 12:11
Shoryuken! wrote:
Do you think the developer will 'jump the gun' and do a Dubya assasination sim? I know I'd buy that for a dollar!

I see what you are saying there, and I resent it.

If you think I'm going to get taken down by some lilly livered communist plot like that wetback pinko Kennedy, you've got another thing coming.

We have modern American military and special-forces trained security around me night and day. An Impenetrable force field of rock hard killer muscle. Any one of these guys would be more than happy to take a bullet for me. And for their mum's apple pie, which I am constitutionally obliged to protect and promote, so long as their mum is the Sara Lee corporation.

I have an airforce of stealth bombers and jet balck silent helicopters above me at all times. Above that our star wars project protects me with laser point accuracy at all times. I am f**king untouchable. Nothing can stop me.

I say this to all you terrorists. Give it your best shot. Do what you can. Try your god-damned best to put a bullet right between my eyes. I dare you.


Joined 23 Nov 2004
Wed, 24 Nov 2004 12:38
You seem like a pretty bright guy, albeit misguided. I do wonder though, how you have become such a self-hating american. Very sad, that you do not see the greatness in your country.I have lived all over the world and believe that no country in history has accumulated more power and yet has tried so hard to be a force for good. You seem to see only the warts, not the magnificence of a truly great society.Really sad.
Joined 26 Jan 2004
Wed, 24 Nov 2004 13:12
Rod Todd wrote:
And where does the ONLY country that EVER dropped nuclear weapons on people (and people who were lost, scared, demoralised and wanting to surrender - just as a test of their new weapons) get off on deciding who can and who cannot have nuclear weapons? Who gave America that right?

God of course ... because god blesses America. Or at least .. thats been the mantra since Sept 11 ... so maybe its a case of the country trying to convince itself and not a statement of fact!!!
Joined 25 Jun 2004
Wed, 24 Nov 2004 13:28
rlw1951 wrote:
You seem to see only the warts, not the magnificence of a truly great society.Really sad.

it's hard to see the shape of a circle from the inside, as it is its warts. Those of us on the outside can see them very clearly.

if the great USA is such a force for good, doing it's best to wipe out the woes of the world, why then is this great-force-for-good so f**king selective in the spreading of that goodness?

Why did the US wade into Iraq, 3 times, and ignore the 972 innocent civilians murdered, in one day, in 3 tows, by the Conganese government in early 2003. Or did the great-force-for-good forget to tell its people about this?

Why did the US invade Afganistan for the sake of the free world and they simply shrug their shoulders at the civil war in Sudan which has killed 70,000 innocent people and displaced 1.5 million more? or did the great-force-for-good simply not care?

This does not seem like the actions of a great-force-for-good. This seems like the actions of a car salesman holding the world to ransom - saying and doing whatever the hell he likes to get whatever the hell he likes.

And if this country is such a great-force-for-good, why, in 1975, did they turn a blind eye to the invasion of the democratic republic of East Timor by Indonesia? In the years proceeding this, over 200,000 people were slaughtered at the hands of the Indonesian Government - that is one third of the population of this small island off the northern coast of Australia.

The rest of the world, including the Australian government, where I come from, did nothing. For years, Australians like myself watched as the people of East Timor were brutally oppressed. Early in September of 1999, the people of East Timor won their right to a referendum on the fate of their own country. By a landslide, they voted out the occupying forces. Indonesia unleashed hell. Militias, armed by Jakarta swept across the country, murdering all in their wake.

The world said and did nothing. Actions are condoned through inaction.

Is this what you think a great-force-for-good should do?
Joined 23 Nov 2004
Wed, 24 Nov 2004 14:07
Mr. Floppy,
I appreciate your observations, but pointing out situations when the US didn't offer assistance is really not to the point. Are you a bad person because you don't spend your life helping everyone you can? Have you ever stepped over a homeless person on the street? And that is not to say that the US doesn't have it's own self interests. We are a country, not a philanthropic organisation. But to paint the US as an evil empire is just silly. When was the last time we took over another country, enslaved their population and enriched ourselves. The fact is we could. We don't. What would you do- depend on the UN!!!
Joined 25 Jun 2004
Wed, 24 Nov 2004 14:28
rlw1951 wrote:
When was the last time we took over another country, enslaved their population and enriched ourselves.

* 16:30GMT, October 7, 2001: Afghanistan
* 02:30GMT, March 20, 2003: Iraq

This is only recent history. On both occasions, the US waded in, took control of the country then appointed their own governments. US contractors got rich in both cases,; US arms manufactures got hard at the thought of the profits to be had. War is good for business. Occupying forces still exist in both of these countries.

I may be a crazy foreigner, but I can't seem to interpret this any other way than 'took over another country, enslaved their population and enriched ourselves'.

rlw1951 wrote:
What would you do- depend on the UN!!!

Yes, yes I would. As you should. But it seems that the self proclaimed world police are above that, aren't you?
Joined 23 Nov 2004
Wed, 24 Nov 2004 14:40
You have got to be kidding! You are actually equating ridding the world of the Taliban, freeing 25 million people, helping them to elect their own leaders in a free and fair election and trying to help the Afghanis develope their own destiny to enslavement and domination? Be real!
As for the UN. Does the fact that the UN handed over 22 BILLION dollars to Saddam ( none of which went to his people) and that both France and Russia as well as administrators at the UN itself enriched themselves bother you? How can you rely on the UN to accomplish anything? Nice idea gone totally awry.
I seem to recall that the world press was sure that the US was going to take over the oil fields to get cheap oil. Hasn't happened , has it? I wonder why.
Joined 24 Jan 2004
Wed, 24 Nov 2004 16:14
rlw1951 wrote:
You have got to be kidding! You are actually equating ridding the world of the Taliban, freeing 25 million people, helping them to elect their own leaders in a free and fair election and trying to help the Afghanis develope their own destiny to enslavement and domination?

If it was really about freeing the Afghans, and ridding the world of the Taliban, why did America not do that years ago? Why did Bush snr try to work WITH the taliban to create an oil pipeline from the Russian oil fields to the coast.

Even after 11/9 Bush negoatiated with the Taliban for them to turn over Bin Laden. US Oil companies begged him not to invade, becauyse they still wanted their oil pipeline.

In the end, Bush invaded, kicked the living crap out of the country, and installed a puppet government, who will let the US have their oil pipeline.

It's about money and oil. Liberty is an incidental by-product.

Does the fact that the UN handed over 22 BILLION dollars to Saddam ( none of which went to his people) and that both France and Russia as well as administrators at the UN itself enriched themselves bother you?

It would if it were true. But it's a gross distortion of what actually happend, the money was given as part of the food for oil exchange program. Once it was in Iraq, Saddam subverted the program... That is hardly the UN giving Saddam money. In fact, it was free trade!

How can you rely on the UN to accomplish anything? Nice idea gone totally awry.

Much like the United States.

I seem to recall that the world press was sure that the US was going to take over the oil fields to get cheap oil. Hasn't happened , has it? I wonder why.

WTF? That is EXACTLY what has happened. US Corporations, notably Haliburton, have been paid to re-connect the oil flow, and then have been paying a lower price per barrel because of all the "work" they have done (and charged for).

What exactly do you think Philip Carroll is doing with his time?

On May 22, 2003, the US was given decisionmaking power over how the oil funds would be used with regard to relief, reconstruction, disarmament and “other purposes benefiting the people of Iraq.

On May 4, 2003, Philip Carroll was named to head an advisory board to the Iraqi oil ministry. Carroll was chief executive officer (CEO) of Shell Oil, the US arm of Royal Dutch/Shell in the 1990s, and subsequently became head of the construction giant Fluor, a company he ran until 2002. Carroll still owns substantial stock in both of these corporations. He is not known as an Iraq oil specialist and apparently had never been to the country prior to his appointment.

After the UN approved the Development Fund for Iraq, Bush signed an executive order decreeing that “any attachment, judgment, decree, lien, execution, garnishment, or other judicial process is prohibited, and shall be deemed null and void,” with respect to the Development Fund for Iraq and “all Iraqi petroleum and petroleum products, and interests therein.”
In other words, if ExxonMobil or ChevronTexaco touch Iraqi oil, anything they or anyone else does with it is immune from legal proceedings in America.
Joined 24 Jan 2004
Wed, 24 Nov 2004 16:22
rlw1951 wrote:
You seem like a pretty bright guy,
Thanks. I am.

rlw1951 wrote:
albeit misguided.

Gee, that's weird. From here, it's you that seems real misguided. And misinformed.

rlw1951 wrote:
I do wonder though, how you have become such a self-hating american.

I don't hate myself,. I hate what my couintry has become. And how its people - good people - have been deceived by avaricse na dmedia control to confuse our activities, which are all about making rich peple richer, with the actions of a noble or peace-loving country.

rlw1951 wrote:
Very sad, that you do not see the greatness in your country.

I see it draining away.

rlw1951 wrote:
I have lived all over the world and believe that no country in history has accumulated more power and yet has tried so hard to be a force for good.

Good, in what way specifically has the US tried to be a force for good? Where, and when?
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Wed, 24 Nov 2004 17:06
EDIT: i can actully spell relatively well but this whole thing was written in a matter of minutes, please forgive my freedom hating... er ... i mean, bad typing.

My fellowed learned humans can take the high road if they want, i have no such tact. lets makea few simple points for you fdear clouded mind for you to ponder...

A) The taliban did 9/11.
b) 3/4 of the terrorists involved with 9/11 are from sudi arabia
c)osama bin laden the leader of the taliban is from saudi arabia
d)we invaded iraq with the intent of preventing sadam from using hsi wepons of mass destruction, not to fidn the taliban, thats what we where doing in afganistan.
f)osama bin ladin was in afganistan and bush let him escape.
g)sadam didnt even have a freakin army let alone potential for mass distruction.
h)the mass graves the fox watchers liek to talk about where caused because we encouraged the peopel of iraq to rise up against sadam with the promise of helping them if they succeded, problem was he used the left over serin gas we had given him years before to kill all those people.
i)bush stole the election of 2000 and shouldn't even have the right of a president to begin with let alone the ability to make all the crack head executive orders he has made since his inaguaration.
j)you are stupid and gullibal because you are scared of terrosts attacking... blowing up a country that never threateneed us because we are worried they might maybe someday possibly hurt us a little bit isnt brave its freaking chicken $hit cowardice. Fighting is easy, resolving problems without violence is the real challenge... im sick of tryign to defend my fellow americans who are stupid enough to believe the lies they here on tv, its not fox's fault you morons belive them its your own.
k) violence begets violence... the only reason osama wants your ass dead is becaus eh is pissed off we have a buch of military basis in his damn holy land... SAUDI ARABIA!
l) we got those bases in saudi arabia when bush sr. lied to the saudi royals and told them that sadam was about to attack them... they let us build basses there in exchange for protect them from big scary sadam... which is what desert storm was... you remebr any terrorsits atacks again america before 1990?
m)i hate stupdi peopel who are so narrow minded that they are willign to give up there freedom for the promise of protection. this counrty wasnt founded on christian morals it wa sfounded on FREEEEDOM!!! benjamin fanklin said: "any oen who woudl give up essential freedoms for saftey deserves neither freedom nor saftey"
n) not everyone in iraq is a terrorist... all men are created equal? with certain inaliable god given rights? ring a bell? not everyoen in america is stupid enough to vote for bush and even less peopel in iraq actull had any reason to crash a plan into american buildings... although now that we have invaded there country and ocupied it for a while and blown up there family and friends they all seem to think its a good idea to cut the heads off of any one they can snatch off the street... remember when the first one of those happened? it was huge news... now it happens liek at least once a week and no one even cares anymore.
o) if you vote for bush and suypport this war you DO NOT support the troops(no matter what your sideways bumper sticker might say) bush does not support the troops... just look at abu garib(im sure that is spelled wrong), they tried 3 freaking peopel for all of the probelsm in the prison and said that those three "bad apples" where the only problem. Only thing is that it happen in multiple prisons all over iraq and there have been mulitple rports of higher rankign officials witnessing and promoting the tortures. did rumsfeld take the blam for the military problem? no how bout bush? no! how bout some generals or even a freakin major? no! 3 f'ing ground troops got court matialed for soemthing they where ordered to do! you think they brought dog collars over to iraq with them??? you think alot of iraq's living under eveil horrible bad sadam had pet doggies with nice studded collars?
p) in refference to the game... it is tasteless and unpleasant and perfectly fine. it is not illigal to make somethign unpleasant. if somebody made a game where the purpose was to assainate my dad it woudl not be illegal... however it coudl cause me mental distress in which case i woudl be aloud to sew them which is up to the keneddy family and no buisnes of mine.. if they make soem money off of it and the keneddies dont complain then no one should care.

i love my country very much it is a wonderfull place full of wonderfull peopl eit it thanks to idiots liek you electing morons like the one we have now that caused terrorism in the first place. we are opressors, we are terrorists and we have doen bad many many bad things its its all because you ae to stupid to actully learn anything beyond what you get off the freaking drudge report or from rush limbaugh, if you think bill o'reily is lookign out for you you are so dsadly mistaken its pathetic. why dont you read a book or maybe some news from other countries where media biasis dont exist? I'm sick of morons like you ruing the land and sea and air and good name of my fellow americans. no american worth anythign would ever reppress someone else for his own perosnal gain.. we won that argument in the civil war, and if YOU dont like it YOU can get the hell out, and see how well recieved you are else where in the world!

urge to kill: fadeing, fading, fadding, RISING, faaaadddiinnggg....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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