Wii for Europe: £179, 8th December

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Topic started: Fri, 15 Sep 2006 14:07
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Joined 17 Jul 2006
Fri, 15 Sep 2006 14:07
is it just me or did we get ripped off?
Joined 10 Aug 2004
Fri, 15 Sep 2006 14:18
I really REALLY don't get it with Nintendo. For the first time in a decade they have at least a shooting chance of becoming market share number one with home consoles - they but f**k it.

Remember when the N64 lanched? Bob MONKHOUSE did the 'launch' thing. They will never ever understand the notion of international marketing. Always, always been their problem.

Folks if you think they have 'booked' their idea up, think again. Two ex has been, never were tennis 'star's - spearhead their UK debut for the Wii - is bad. And shows, everything you need to know.

Triple A launch? Zelda? Gamecube game? Mario? Delayed. 5 years in dev - and they still dont see with whats going on, how important THAT game would have been. Red Steel? Yeah - come on.

This reeks of N64 and Gamecube. They will f**k this up. And they have a goose egg machine here.
Joined 6 Sep 2006
Fri, 15 Sep 2006 14:18
Wii remotes & Nunchuks £43?? kinel..
Joined 23 Mar 2006
Fri, 15 Sep 2006 14:20
Dude, I think so too. Well, €250 isn't too bad, considering it's $250, 'cause typically the Euro price is a bit higher. I even think that $250 is too much. And no DVD drive? Hmmm

And €60 for a Wiimote plus nunchuck!?!? Feck off!
Joined 23 Mar 2006
Fri, 15 Sep 2006 14:22
Just read Furry Clint's post.... I kinda agree. Nintendo have messed up so much that this long run of good luck and good will seems too good to be true.
Joined 9 Nov 2005
Fri, 15 Sep 2006 14:29
Really disappointing price for the UK and no DVD playback afterall. They've done a Sony!

This price point puts it into direct competition with the 360 Core pack in the UK. While they will have different gameplay aspects I think I'd rather go for the tried and tested 360 and wait to see what the reviews of the Wii are like. If the price had been similar to other territories then it may have been more of an impulse buy but not anymore
Joined 6 Sep 2006
Fri, 15 Sep 2006 14:46
I don’t think the DVD playback is an issue here - the price point is up against the 360 but again I think that they are to different to compare directly - if you was going to get a wii, your not gonna buy a 360 now due to the price.

I think it will effect the people who already have a 360 and was looking to get a wii or the people who was undecided. I was considering getting one for my family but am now against the idea considering it could cost £300 with the extra nucktroller and couple of games...

I can see they are going to trip up on the accessories price point - here's hoping the games are not gonna be too much.
Joined 10 Aug 2004
Fri, 15 Sep 2006 14:51
Yep they wiil not release this at a loss.

Jesus christ mand, £179? Thats not impulse!
£130? Yeah - make abit of a loss, but they really have no clue. I will not buy one at that price - i'll get an 360 with project gotham 3 for pennies.,.

After-all. I'll get Zelda for my gamecube - where is reason? If Wii sports was triple triple AAAA title - it would stand-alone. Its a demo.F**king s**te.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Fri, 15 Sep 2006 14:53
Well shock horror, £180, I feel that's a bit steep. I'm not happy about it because £150 would have been fairer but I'll still be buying at launch. I was hoping for a late November launch but early December is still okay. Atleast we don't have to wait til March 2007. Enough time for it to shine before PS3 arrives.

Guess its up to us, if you want a u.k one or not. If not vote with your feet and import one cheaper, because Wii is region free.

If I stick a deposit down on one next week I'll can pay it off in installments before December and pick it up on launch day with more games than usual.

The game prices are reasonable at 35-40 quid, but those controllers bar the classic one are too expensive. You should get the nunchuk and controller together in a pack, not seperate. Otherwise many might just buy a classic controller, keep a GC one and miss most of its best gaming moments. May have to import those controllers too.

Not happy about the DVD playback, but already have a PS2 and 360 for that, plus a muti region player. You can get dvd players new for like £30 in supermarkets anyways.

I agree MS will now cut 360 Core to take advantage, but I'm sure Nintendo will then cut the Wii a little too, maybe to £170-160.

Anyway, hurry up launch day and let the games do the talking. If the price upsets, the likes of Zelda etc wont. In fact Zelda could do very well out of it.
Joined 17 Jul 2006
Fri, 15 Sep 2006 14:55
they say the games will be 49.99 in america, they could make that 29.99 over here and thats a brilliant price. but we'll probably be paying a 10er more most of the time. were paying over 40 quid more than the americans for our Wii console too. surely they couldve made it 149.99, theyd still be charging us europeans more than the yanks but itd be a lot more palatable.

i cant remember what the american controller prices (nunchuck and wiimote combined) are but im sure we get to pay an extra 10er or so for the privelage of owning them too
Joined 9 Nov 2005
Fri, 15 Sep 2006 15:05
"I don’t think the DVD playback is an issue here - the price point is up against the 360 but again I think that they are to different to compare directly - if you was going to get a wii, your not gonna buy a 360 now due to the price."

I was going to get a Wii first but now I think I'll go with the 360 core instead and get a Wii next year when the price drops.
Joined 6 Sep 2006
Fri, 15 Sep 2006 15:07
king skins
Joined 10 Mar 2005
Fri, 15 Sep 2006 15:07
Did they not talk launch numbers? How many consoles will there be on sale??
Joined 30 Sep 2004
Fri, 15 Sep 2006 15:10
RiseFromYourGrave wrote:
i cant remember what the american controller prices (nunchuck and wiimote combined) are but im sure we get to pay an extra 10er or so for the privelage of owning them too

$40 + $20

My thoughts:

DVD: i dont care, but i know some peopel will, in the long run i doubt it wll have a serious negative effect.

PRICE: a bit much, before they anounced me and the GF where all set to get one each and a ton o games/controllers. Now we will still each get one (as we both need to play zelda) but wil probably nto get as many games and only enough controllers so that when she brings hers with we will have a full stock at my place.

Wii sports: awsoem pack in! sure its not mario world or something. but its a ton of fun multiplayer games that really gives you the full effect of what the controller can offer. Wario ware coudl have been good as well but might actually be a bit hard for the more casual gamers to get into with its high speed antics. I think its a game i was interested in gettign anyway and it adds the price of a game to the console. I sort of wish they made a core system with no pack in, but it would only be liek 20 cheaper. Wii sports kills two birds by giving people a pack in and covering the fact that it costs a bit more to make than they may be leting on,

Joined 12 Mar 2004
Fri, 15 Sep 2006 15:14
No word of a Zelda Wii pack for xmas, but there's bound to be one in the pipe, and if not this with Mario Galaxy (lol...see the joke...Mario in the pipe...).

I still think once the ads and hype build Wii will do welin l, this age of couch potato kids and adults.

There's one thng you guys are missing. By having the Wii be region free it puts its fate in the hands of gamers. If you don't like the extra controller price like me, just import one and that will drive u.k prices by the likes of Game etc down, since they'd rather have your money than none at all, either way Nintendo get paid.
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