Revolution Controller showing confirmed – Iwata keynote to reveal all

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Topic started: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 17:22
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Joined 20 May 2004
Tue, 13 Sep 2005 17:22
My dream announcement: Animal Crosiing MMO for Rev.

More realistic idea: Return of Donkey Kong or new Zelda at launch.
Joined 12 Mar 2004
Tue, 13 Sep 2005 18:03
Good thing TGS is here at last and we will get some idea of the Rev and it's controller. If the controller is easy to copy I'm glad Nintendo are being more vigilante of copy cats.

Well see on friday, I'm not making any attempts at prediction. Kind of getting tired of hocus mock ups and such.

Joined 2 Jul 2004
Tue, 13 Sep 2005 18:55
Joji wrote:
If the controller is easy to copy I'm glad Nintendo are being more vigilante of copy cats.

Nintendo are going to take baseball bats to the Sony and Microsoft bosses? :-"

I'd say the best controller outcome is a multi-component one, especially with gyroscopes built in for control input. You'd have a main body with the normal controls, joystick, buttons, etc and would be tiltable, then accessory controllers such as a rod which could be used as say a flight stick, handlebars and a sword hilt depending on how you hold it. Sadly this idea was put forward by someone from N-Sider in an IGN article, but it still struck me as a realistic option and gives the best scope for ways to play.
Joined 29 Jul 2005
Tue, 13 Sep 2005 19:45
The Rev controller will be very simplistic and intuitive. It will definitely include tilt technology since they've been experimenting with it in GBA form. This will have to include something bigger to make it a real mind-blower. My guess is on tilt resistance that was rumored several weeks ago. Not the force feedback that has been mentioned. Force feedback would likely drive the price of the controllers past safe limits. Since Nintendo never opts to go the expensive route, and thank Christ for that, the internal inertia provided by balanced widgets like those that cause rumble effects are much more plausible. They won't add much to the cost of the controller and probably won't drain batteries as much as teleportation or levitation would.

There will definitely be some fallout. However, if they announce now and release quickly they can counter that. If they blitzed malls and stores with demos people would try it and once they tried it they'd tell friends and the result is viral marketing at its best. I expext a shocker in terms of release date, not Fall 2006. I expect the latest to be March 2006 in the US and Japan. Remember, it is supposed to be easy to develop for.
Joined 13 Sep 2005
Tue, 13 Sep 2005 20:40
Its Nintendo ON!!!!!!
Joined 13 Sep 2005
Tue, 13 Sep 2005 21:07
I'm thinking pretty much a cube controller, with a better joystick in the c stick area, and another z button on the left, with the resistance mentioned in the article, tilt tech, and pressure sensitive in the hand areas.
Joined 3 Aug 2005
Tue, 13 Sep 2005 21:12
Not quite sure what the controller and interface will be like but I do think it will blow everyone away. I can see it now:
Friday - Sony show another video of a PS3 game and boast at it's (theoretical) polygon counts.
Microsoft show off a playable Xbox360.
Nintendo show off the best piece of gaming kit ever made.
I be happy :D
Joined 18 Jan 2004
Tue, 13 Sep 2005 21:40
As I've said before I don't think it's going to anything as exciting as people are expecting, although I hope it is 8~)

My guess will be analogue buttons with some kind of twist/scroll control, much like the early pong systems which was just a paddle with a wheel or the wheel of a mouse.

I imagine it to be something simple and not as complicated as gyroscopes or tilt controls, hence it will be easy to copy.

Guess we'll just have to wait and see!

PS My girlfriends suggestion is levers?!?!?
Joined 8 Apr 2005
Tue, 13 Sep 2005 21:40
I think it's going to be a ho-hum kind of affair that will hopefully not turn out like the showcasing of the cel shaded Zelda did.
Honestly, if this is nothing more than gyroscopes, I won't be impressed, especially for all the hype surrounding it. I want it to cook me breakfast, walk my dog and massage my ass all at the same time. Then I'll believe the hype.
majin dboy
Joined 27 May 2005
Tue, 13 Sep 2005 21:46
some type of touch intergration.not all buttons will be the typical "push in" were are all use to.i can see gryoscopes being intergrated.not to sure about this one but what about a multi surfaced controller,more advanced than the "Z trigger" on the N64 controller.i for one cannot wait.
Joined 23 Apr 2005
Tue, 13 Sep 2005 22:08
1) Nintendo will reveal that all joypads fron NES-GC will be useable on the Revolution. Game developers can use whichever controller best suits there game(for example FPS designers may plmp for the delightful N64 pad with its Z-Trigger greatness, while beat em up developers may use the SNES pad for its awesome d-pad and all around melting-into-hand factor.)

2) The Revolution will have no controller; that is the surprise!! As stated in the previous point; there are already enough different pads to use, and with the DS being compatible, and also functioning as a touch screen input system, there is no need.

3) Every Revolution to come preloaded with 3 top games(1 from Nes, Snes and 64) probably Mario 3, Mario World and Mario 64

4) Fire Emblem MMORPG

Joined 2 Feb 2005
Tue, 13 Sep 2005 23:14
I always thought the comtroller would be like a square, with a screen in the middle. The screen would be a touch sensitive area and the area outside of the screen would have the normal buttons.

Thing is, who knows what it'll be like, it might be a glove you wear for all I know.
Joined 22 Dec 2004
Wed, 14 Sep 2005 00:05
I am still sticking to a controller with gyroscopes int eh center that read how the controller is moving. It could be used for several interesting reasons, m favorite being holding the controller still enough in a sneaking game like MGS. That and 2 dollar downloads for NES games, 5 for SNES game and 7 for N64 games.
Joined 14 Sep 2005
Wed, 14 Sep 2005 03:33
The controller will be even more comfortable to hold than a gamecube controller.

It will have a gyroscope that spins to provide resistance (when it senses the controller moving) and kick the controller in various directions.

It will also either have a series of plugs on the back that allow you to plug in all of the original controllers, or have removable button plates that the user can switch depending on what system they are playing.

The tilt sensor will be either what is featured in gameboy cartridges or will be totally gyroscope based (unlikely)

It will definitely be wireless, lasting just as long as the wavebird, but with a rechargeable battery.

Eventually, Nintendo will reveal the wireless ocarina for zelda, the wireless arm cannon for metroid prime, and the wireless kart wheel for mario kart. The possibilities are endless with wireless!
Joined 13 Apr 2005
Wed, 14 Sep 2005 04:20
It is true that Nintendo enjoys making people wait and then when you think they are gonna show something they make you wait again, but what realy is gonna be shown or said at this years TGS KeyNote will be place below this paragraph and displayed as Shown: and Said:.

Said: First off we will have to say thank you for comeing and we know all you here want to see the the new controler, but first something better.

Shown: Mario appears on the screen in a bright and colorfull world much like the world from Sunshine but different.

Said: I want you to see how realistic the environments look and react too Mario's Movements and then notice how precise the movements and actions of Mario are, all of which is being done in real time.

Shown: slowly Shiggy comes walking from the side of the stage with what else but Cyborg arm constructed to play nintendo games*J/K. Shiggy walks out with a control device that looks so simple, (yet what makes it so special type of reaction coming from the croud).

Said: here is the revolution in gaming for the 20th century. A device which reacts as smoothly as it controles.

Shown: Iwata Takes the controler from shiggy and holds it up for everyone to see. the device is shaped as if it were a cube controler but with a face made of nothing but leds which are under a surface and can change depending on which control style you whish to play. Iwata hands the controller back too Shiggy who then continues to play the game which shows off Mario Running around and then climbing on top of Yoshi and various other creatures such as birds and fish.
Shiggy walks away and Iwata steps back into the center of the stage.

Said: Now that that is over with I will go further to tell you that you can expect alot more from Nintendo in the furture and Welcome to our revolution The Nintendo Revolution.

Shown: a video starts playing and through which a bunch of Games are clips are shown including; Zelda:TP, A MMO Animal Crossing, Mario Kart with online play, the next Super Smash Brothers edition, Metroid Prime 3, and a slew of other games for DS,GBA, and GC.

Said: Nintendo has time and time again redifined it self by making it easier and more friendly for anyone to have fun playing one of our games and systems. as with the predicted success of the GB Micro in japan we see the Revolution gaining more market share this upcoming generation by reaching out to the casual gamer and the hardcore gamer alike with games such as SSB for the revolution and the MMO Animal Crossing. This will be it for this years tgs keynote and expect more come next years E3 on everything Nintendo and Revolution.
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