Fanboy Polygon-Counting Engulfs PlayStation 2 Resi 4

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Topic started: Mon, 7 Feb 2005 14:20
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Joined 10 Jun 2004
Mon, 7 Feb 2005 16:34
I think that it was obvious some graphical finesse would be sacrificed on the PS2.

The interesting thing, as someone commented last time this came up, is that when Capcom release GC-exclusive games they sell buckets. Once they dilute the exclusitivity they sell less.

I personally don't think we'll see RE4 on either PC or Xbox. It isn't worth Capcom's while porting it to another current-gen machine that doesn't have the market share of the PS2. Historically, Resi's haven't come out on the PC (except 2) and I don't think Capcom will break with tradition.

As a GC RE4 owner I'm very happy, and as long as future RE games appear on Nintendo consoles too I'll be thanking Capcom and handing over wads of cash.
Zombi Z
Joined 8 Feb 2005
Tue, 8 Feb 2005 04:41
Just being a troll, but Resident Evil 1, 2, and 3 have come to the PC. I have 2 and 3, though have only seen the first in stores a few years ago, just as elusive as Street Fighter Alpha and it's sequel.

Capcom has actually been quite kind to the PC platform if not in a day-late-dollar-short fashion, releasing ports only long after anyone might have cared has already come-and-gone with said game on other platforms. I have of Capcom fame:

Street Fighter Alpha 2
Mega Man X4
Mega Man X5
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 3
Breath of Fire IV

There have been others of course (check MobyGames under "Capcom" and "Capcom Entertainment") few and far between, but as much as I would hope, I doubt there will be a GC-quality port of RE4 for the PC if at all. It just seems like one of those too cool to deserve to happen kinda things.
Joined 3 Sep 1999
Tue, 8 Feb 2005 09:21
Zombi Z wrote:
There have been others of course (check MobyGames under "Capcom" and "Capcom Entertainment") few and far between, but as much as I would hope, I doubt there will be a GC-quality port of RE4 for the PC if at all. It just seems like one of those too cool to deserve to happen kinda things.

Alternatively, save yourself the bother and just select "company" and type "capcom" into the search SPOnG panel up there in the right-hand menu. Here's a quick link to SPOnG's Capcom page, with the 230+ titles in the softography.
Joined 6 Feb 2005
Wed, 9 Feb 2005 11:22
I'm staring out my window on the world now and have to admit the polygon count is rather disappointing. Oh wait there's a bird!!! No a measly 4 polygons. Someone needs to invent a super-processor to deliver billions of polygons per square foot in the real world. then we'll see some truly great games

Joined 30 Oct 2004
Sat, 12 Feb 2005 16:00
I hate x-box......
Therefore if microsoft get ahold of resi 4 or final fantasy i will prepare to terminate!!!
Joined 24 Jan 2004
Sat, 12 Feb 2005 16:20
Zombi Z wrote:
There have been others of course (check MobyGames under "Capcom" and "Capcom Entertainment")

Dude, are you smoking someones crack? What kind of sick dog-fellator would leave the fabulous, funky, funny SPOnG to go to the inferior wasteland that is MoobyGames.

There's much more info here.
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