Hitler on SEGA Promo T-shirts

SEGA Japan displays shockingly poor taste.

Posted by Staff
It’s being reported this morning that SEGA has been courting controversy in Japan, after releasing a promo T-shirt featuring Hitler for its World War 2 game, Advanced Dai Sen Ryaku.

SEGA is not merely giving these away as promo items either, but even more surprisingly, is selling them. The t-shirt features Hitler alongside Roosevelt, Stalin, Churchill, and Mussolini.

The item is for sale in the company's Japanese online store. If you enjoy shocking everybody that you meet, then you might want to buy one.

Whatever next? SPOnG wonders what the Japanese reaction would be if a western game company were to use pictures of the Hiroshima-busting bomb Enola Gay in its game marketing materials. We suspect there would be an similar reaction to that of SEGA’s use of European genocidal fascists to sell more budget PS2 war games in Japan.

We are not sure. Perhaps we are being overly sensitive, and this T-shirt is actually going to be a must-have E3 item. Though we doubt it.


acemallanski 2 May 2006 11:32
why isnt Prime Minister Hideki Tojo on it? anyway perhaps its serves as a crude reminder of the dangers of political extremism and leaders who promote aggresive foreign policies.....of course that would never happen again would it?
Naouruki 2 May 2006 11:44
And what, pray tell, precisely is your very selective objection to this SPong?

First, it's hardly as if SEGA is glorifying these war criminals. It is featuring the leaders of the world's powers at the time of the war - so what would you have SEGA do, simply wipe away and airbrush Hitler out of the picture and pretend he never happened?

Not surprising either that you mention Hitler and only other than him mention Mussolini as fascists. No doubt Stalin was a mere oversight - daddy Bush after all tells us BAD BAD COMMIES - but where in the fu*k is your pretnetious moral outrage at the featuring of Churchill on this t-shirt?

Does your myopic morality not scream outrage at the fact that Churchill, a war criminal by every definition, a man who berated those who berated him for gassing 'primitive' villages of Iraqi civilians? He did not even bother lying like Blair and Bush and Musharraf and Karzai and the Shi'ites do today that there were 'terrorists' hiding there.

Are you really so myopic and blind so as to think that whoever the morally bankrupt 'victors' of WWII, the US and her allies, defined as war criminals were the only ones who were? Do you really believe the skin-deep freedom we have today is an end that justifies the horrific means the US and Britain, the Dutch and the French, and the rest of the West inflicted on the world?

Clearly it doesn't, as you seem to believe that the mere depiction Hitler on a t-shirt depicting the major leaders of WWII is the only reason for outrage and 'bad taste'. Stalin and more notably Churchill, of course, would never elicit such headlines from you, woudl they? Of course not.

Care to aks yourself WHY it's only Hitler who is bad taste? Care to ask yourself if perhaps it's because you fo not question that Jewish lives are worth more than others, especially the slanty-eyed and mud-skinned peoples your 'beacons of freedom' caused so much untold suffering?

When you myopic, selectively moral monkeys at Spong decide to treat all human life equally and thus berate not just the depiction of murderers of Jews but of all others equally - then perhaps your moral objection to the mere depiction of who the world leaders of WWII were will have some ground.

Until then, comparing said mere depiction - as opposed to glorification - to using promo materials portraying the actual and worst instrument of death used by the hypocritical massacaring Americans to wipe out civilian lives en masse is pathetic pandering on Spong's part.

When SEGA uses t-shirts depicting actual gas chambers and cluster bombs, THEN BITCH and use the pathetic comparison you did you fools.

And your whining about SOJ using mere pictures of dictators - not glorifying them - on covers of games that are strategical map-based war simulations? Spong, you pathetic hypocrites. Do you purposefully forget that the West is the hallbearer and absolute source of actual dehumanizing, propaganda-ridden genocide simulations like the GRAW you loved so much - thay actively teach little Jimmy America and Timmy Briton and the rest of the angry white male demographic they aim for that slanty-eyes and mudskins are subhuman droids whose deaths mean nil - and as is being playd out as we speak in Iraq now?

You hypocrites.

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kid_77 2 May 2006 13:02
"The Third Reich Was Ruined"

Possibly the best t-shirt ever. Not destroyed, obliterated or crushed... but "Ruined".

Damn those pesky Allies for defiling it!!!
LUPOS 2 May 2006 13:54
without trying to sound like i know more than i do, i would imagine the reasons for making takign issue with hitler are two fold:
a)he killed a loooooooooooooot of people. at least more than your average maniac.
b)he is kind of noted in history for being like the king of crazy ass holes

and you, my well informed and well inteioned friend, seem to be taking this a weee bit to much to heart. i mean really, its a t-shirt with hitler on it... from a japanese video game company... certainly peculiar and news worthy i would say.

and they did say "Perhaps we are being overly sensitive". you make no such claims about your own feelings, rendering me less inclined to jump on board your seemingly oversealous train of thought.

good on you for being so sensitive to all the peoples of the world though and i do always enjoy any history leasons i can glean from a game news forum. (not sarcasm)

NiktheGreek 2 May 2006 16:26
acemallanski wrote:
why isnt Prime Minister Hideki Tojo on it?

Simple: the art is re-used (yes, this isn't the first time Sega has used Hitler's image). It's actually taken from a Mega Drive game released in 1991, which took place in Europe and thus didn't involve Japanese forces. You can take a look at the cover, if you like. Why is Hitler featured so prominently? Well, you control German forces.

Now, obviously I understand the reasons for people being offended by his appearance, but it seems to me that the "Hitler's European Tour: 1939-1945" shirts sold at Camden Market are actually designed to be offensive, unlike a shirt depicting the major leaders of factions involved in European combat during World War 2 as they were.

I must admit though, I am wondering about the recent increase in feeling that you can't depict Hitler. For years following the end of World War 2, he was a source of ridicule in many comedy sketches (one of the most memorable being Monty Python's "The Funniest Joke In The World") even up until the early 1990s - indeed, a 1992 episode of The New Statesman had Alan B'stard exploiting a Neo-Nazi group by getting them Hitler's genitals. I think it's extremely interesting that for whatever reasons, you now can't mention or depict Hitler, but it's okay to recreate the Pearl Harbour attacks and European comabt in games and films.

Incidentally: why don't people make something of Stalin's appearance as well? He was a murderous dictator too.
SPInGSPOnG 2 May 2006 17:32
Hey, you sesquipedalian f**kmunch!

Naouruki wrote:
First, it's hardly as if SEGA is glorifying these war criminals.

Oh, that's alright then. As long as you're not GLORIFYING them it's TASTEFUL to use them for marketing. because, of course, where the profit motive is involved, it cannot possibly be glorification - only cool-headed commentary, and possibly ironic too, eh?

No doubt Stalin was a mere oversight - daddy Bush after all tells us BAD BAD COMMIES

And anything Bush says can be ignored totally.

- but where in the fu*k is your pretnetious moral outrage at the featuring of Churchill on this t-shirt?

Hmmmm, what with SPOnG being British and all, and Churchill being their greatest prime minister... not likely is it? Plus they won, so they get to write the history books. That's how it is. Learn to deal.

Does your myopic morality not scream outrage at the fact that Churchill, a war criminal by every definition

Except for the most important one - of never having been tried as or declared a war crimial.

, a man who berated those who berated him for gassing 'primitive' villages of Iraqi civilians? He did not even bother lying like Blair and Bush and Musharraf and Karzai and the Shi'ites do today that there were 'terrorists' hiding there.

Dude, you can hide behind a Japanese sounding name all you like. But your posts reveal you for a Muslim fundamentalist every time. So why don't you stop whinging and bitching in a forum designed for talking about computer games, get some TNT strap it to yourself and catch a plane to New York?

Do you really believe the skin-deep freedom we have today is an end that justifies the horrific means the US and Britain, the Dutch and the French, and the rest of the West inflicted on the world?

You see, here's the irony. The SPOnG forums are absolutely packed with raving liberals (like myself) who never hesitate to criticise Bush and Blair. Who never hesititate to criticise the war for oil in Iraq. Who strongly oppose the rising tide of animosity towards Iran. People who support you, but whom you are turning against you by your diatribes.

Until then, comparing said mere depiction - as opposed to glorification

Which is simply hiding behind semantics

to using promo materials portraying the actual and worst instrument of death used by the hypocritical massacaring Americans to wipe out civilian lives en masse is pathetic pandering on Spong's part.

And there you go off in to the land of senseless ranting.

You hypocrites.

You f**kwit.

acemallanski 4 May 2006 17:03
Rod Todd wrote:
Hey, you sesquipedalian f**kmunch!

dont sound very liberal to me, sound like some kind of nerd-idiot hybrid
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