Ridge Racer 7. First Screens. Click Here Now

Has Namco set out to dupe Microsoft?

Posted by Staff
So Namco has released the first screens of Ridge Racer 7, a game we're willing to bet our grandparent's ashes is a PlayStation 3 launch title and 100% exclusive to the emerging Sony platform. Have a look yourself, at the images supplied kindly by our good friends over at Impress Game Watch.

Now, at this tricky stage of E3 interview planning it would be inappropriate for us to compare Sony's promises of what the PlayStation 3 will offer to what Namco has shown. To point out that this game looks indistinguishable from a title available for months on an existing platform would surely bump us down the popularity list at Sony, causing untold problems stemming from the wrath of the PR dept.

So we'll shut up.

Of course, you're welcome to let us know your own thoughts in the forum.

What we will say is that Microsoft will probably be somewhat peeved to see a new Ridge Racer being touted so soon after it likely paid Namco a pretty penny for access to the franchise, only to see it sell under expectations...

Expect Ridge Racer 7 to be one of the playable PlayStation 3 games at this E3.


realvictory 28 Apr 2006 10:23
Apart from the woman's eyelashes, it looks quite nice. I'm not getting a HDTV though.
fluffstardx 28 Apr 2006 19:35
Wow. It looks... it looks like...

PGR3 never happened :P Seriously, that's all a bit pap.
realvictory 28 Apr 2006 23:13
Well, it looks about as good, I'd say. Don't forget, this is Real Unreality.
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