Konami moves into the world of health clubs

Konami intends to make getting in shape fun.

Posted by Staff
Konami, the company responsible for the addictive Dance Dance revolution series, has just acquired a 60 percent stake in one of Japans biggest fitness chains. Being fit is important to millions of people and Konami has intentions of bringing its games into the health clubs. There is no reason why getting fit cannot be fun as well.

The idea behind Dance Dance Revolution involves players stepping on the corresponding part of the dancing mat in time to the music. Different symbols make their way down the screen and when they cross the line players must jump-step on the appropriate part of the mat.

This is an interactive aerobic exercise that is fun and will help you lose those unsightly inches. Going to the gym will be better than ever. Hopefully, it won’t be too long before European gamers are playing video games in the gym as well.

The 60 percent stake is reported to have cost Konami more that £400 million pounds, so it is obviously important to their development strategy.


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