Hot Mother Unveiled - GBA RPG Sounds Good

Mother 3 audio track hints at RPG gold. Now, how about some screens, eh?

Posted by Staff
Hot Mother Unveiled - GBA RPG Sounds Good
Mother 3 is without question the hot game in development for Nintendo's Game Boy Advance right now, with developer Shigesato Itoi revealing a heady (Revolution-inspired) gradual unveiling of its second sequel to the beloved RPG.

Click here to fill your ears with the endless wonder of a new age of staring helplessly at the screen of your mini-SNES, as another boil-washed monster prepares to steal your life.

The only problem with Mother 3 is Itoi's reluctance to share very much with a clamourous fanbase ready to sell grandmothers for a screenshot or gameplay movie. We know it's Mother, one of the greatest SNES series of all time, and that's about it.

And for most, that's all we need to know for now. We'll update you on all Mother revelations as they are, you know, revealed. Keep it locked.


vault 13 7 Feb 2006 19:53
Mother! There is no other, like mother! So treat her right. Treat her right!
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