Super Monkey Ball Spin-Off on the Way

It's called Adventures, and is a bit of a mystery...

Posted by Staff
Super Monkey Ball Spin-Off on the Way
From what we can gather, a new Monkey Ball game is going to be hitting PlayStation 2 and PSP later this year - great news for fans of monkeys in balls. However, reports surfacing claim a genre betrayal, with new Monkey Ball evolving into some sort of platform game...

Sounds strange, doesn't it? Well, that's because it is. Very. Reports we've managed to piece together point to an action game starring Ai-Ai, Mi-Mi, Gongon and Baby, with traditional elements of Monkey Ball fused into traditional platform gameplay.

Interestingly, only Sony consoles have been pegged to host the new game; odd when you consider the rampant success of all Sega's GameCube releases, especially in the US market where the Nintendo console versions regularly outsell the combined offerings of Xbox and PlayStation 2.

One more oddity before we leave you. Sega has, according to reports unverified at time of press, outsourced development of Monkey Ball Adventures to Traveler's Tales, the UK outfit responsible for the wonderful Lego Star Wars.

Expect clarification of all this as soon as digitally possible.


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