Advanced Driller Action!

The number of reasons to buy a Game Boy Advance increases by the day.

Posted by Staff
Namco has just announced that they are releasing their excellent puzzle game Mr. Driller for Nintendo’s forthcoming Advance handheld. Puzzle games are phenomenally important to the sales of portable consoles: Tetris was single-handedly responsible for the early success of the original GameBoy. Puzzle games have wide market appeal and are equally suited to long journeys and quick breaks alike.

Mr. Driller is a simple to learn but completely addictive puzzle title. Practically anyone can pick this game up and enjoy it from the word go. The idea of the game is to dig as deep as you possibly can. The further down you get the more points you accumulate and the harder the game becomes. Because you are drilling underground you have to worry about your air supply. It is vital for survival to pick up the additional air capsules scattered throughout the levels. It is also important to watch out for any falling blocks that could crush you.

Here’s a surprise for you, Namco are not content with just porting over Mr. Driller from the PlayStation and Dreamcast. They are bringing a fully-fledged sequel to the Advance instead. Expect plenty of new features, secrets and gameplay enhancements like the two-player link-up mode. The two-player mode is set to offer engaging fun with rotating playing areas to contend with.

Mr. Driller 2 will be available for the Game Boy Advance in Europe in the Summer.


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