Rapper 50 Pence’s new game has gotten off to a bumpy start, with a Weblog death threat sparking outrage at publisher Vivendi Universal this week. It all began when Commander Zorg, shadowy overlord of
UK Resistance posted “HELP US KILL THE '50 CENT' GAME TEAM.” The piece read, “These are the names of everyone involved in the making of the game 50 Cent: Bulletproof, as taken from the game's manual. The ones crossed off in red we've already killed. The European ones are easy, but we need help from American readers to finish off the US developers. If you manage to kill one let us know who and we'll update the list! According to the manual, the best way to kill someone is with a "spectacular headshot" so do it that way. You won't go to jail, you can just say the people who made the game said to do it. They are literally asking for it.”
Of course, UK Resistance has long been a voice for ‘nicer’ games, with the site starting the Blue Skies in Games Campaign, a long-overdue comic backlash against the endless violence most publishers view as their new cash cow.
Vivendi Universal Games however, didn’t see the funny side, with Eric Roeder, Deputy General Counsel (whatever that means) for VU issuing a letter of complaint:
Dear UK Resistance,
I'm writing on behalf of Vivendi Universal Games, the publisher of the 50 Cent Game. While we respect your right to say what you want about the game, we care greatly for our employees and feel your post is irresponsible at a minimum. Please immediately remove all reference to anything which may insight an unstable mind to harm any of the individuals associated with the game. It would be a terrible tragedy if your "prank" resulted in harm coming to anyone.
Thank you in advance,
Eric Roeder
Deputy General Counsel
Vivendi Universal Games
And the offending post was removed, replaced instead with “CORRECTION: *DON'T* KILL ANY PEOPLE FROM VIVENDI UNIVERSAL” The full revision read, “He's right. Our new OFFICIAL ADVICE if you meet a 50 Cent: Bulletproof developer is just to shit them up a bit by saying you've got a knife, then run off. That'll do.”
But again, this wasn’t taken as comic genius, rather another veiled threat against the makers of the Fifty Pence game. Again, Vivendi complained. UK Resistance, at time of press, reads, “CORRECTION: EVERYBODY BUY THE 50 CENT GAME.” The revised outlook on the situation is, “Then all the outsourced Mexican testers can have a merry Christmas!
Don't kill anyone, ever.
Don't even try to shit people up by saying you've got a knife.”