Final Fantasy X on PlayStation 2

New details concerning Square's forthcoming blockbuster Final Fantasy X

Posted by Staff
The Final Fantasy series is one of the most successful role-playing game franchises of all-time. In Japan people queue for literally days before the release of a new Final Fantasy game to just ensure they receive a copy. The Final Fantasy games have sold more than 30 million units worldwide and that is just the start. The series is making the next-generation leap onto the PlayStation 2 this year and it looks beautiful. Final Fantasy games are renowned for their excellent storylines and now the visuals are going to match the gameplay. One look at the screenshots and we’re sure you will agree.

Squaresoft has just released new juicy information concerning this hot forthcoming title. The main character of the game will be a determined, positive 17-year-old male called Tidus. Although, self-respecting Final Fantasy players will change the names of the characters to more comical ones. Tidus, known to his friends as “Bed-sock” will wield a massive sword similar to the gun-blade seen in Final Fantasy 8. Tidus has a passion for a new sport called Blitzball, it is currently unclear how this will be integrated into the storyline but rest assured it will be important.

The female counterpart to Tidus will be a beautiful girl named Yuna. She is the same age as Tidus and the daughter of an all-powerful summoner. Her character will come under pressure from being the daughter of a summoner. These beings can call other creatures and demons to do their bidding.

Using the graphical umph of the PlayStation 2 the backgrounds will no longer be pre-rendered. Instead, they will be full real-time 3D that can be viewed from any angle. The characters in the game will be made up of thousands of polygons and appear extremely detailed, especially in close-up. This level of detail will allow for subtleties like facial expressions. Sometimes you will be able to determine the sincerity of a character you are talking to from their expressions rather than what they are saying. For the first time in the series real voices will be used, instead of written captions, so the game will be more film-like. We’ll bring you more details of this amazing game soon, keep tuned.


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