Ridge Racer 6 New Screens

Japanese website shows RR6 coming along nicely.

Posted by Staff
Take a visit to the Japanese Ridge Racer website and check out some of the new screens for the forthcoming next-gen drift-fest. Apologies for the small size of the selection of screens we’ve published here.

As you may know, in Japan they like to pretend it’s still the nineties and the Internet’s just getting up and running. Still, it looks rather nice, and the landscapes with bridges and tunnels are pure Ridge Racer. On the ‘machines’ page you can see a selection of tech-looking V10 powered monsters, including a pick-up!


fromwithin 7 Oct 2005 13:00
This was at X05, and although it was nice to see it at 60fps, it graphically paled in comparison to Need For Speed and Project Gotham with their High-Dynamic-Range lighting. Gotham looks incredible, especially in the in-car view. The handling was also very slippy while the car maintained its bearing, and although this is in line with the RidgeRacer tradition, seemed a bit old hat. You can still go around a right-hand corner by doing a hand-brake turn to the left, for example. The game will drag you around while the car does a 360.
radius 7 Oct 2005 15:35
i actually like ridge racers from the begin but it's too bad namco are not updating the driving to something good (better)
KaGEmaru 8 Oct 2005 07:58
A change in the series' handling would definitely be nice - I feel like I've been playing the same game since its first debut on the PSx...
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