Perfect Dark Content Trimmed

Online and recordable matches cut.

Posted by Staff
Perfect Dark Content Trimmed
Microsoft has stated that Rare has scaled down a few elements of Perfect Dark Zero, the looming Xbox 360 launch first-person shooter from Rare, now in the works for almost five years.

According to recent reports hitting the UK specialist press, the online functionality has been scaled back, from 50 online players to 32. Although a blow on the surface, 32 players is still an admirable (enviable for Sony) amount for a modern console FPS to boast.

Rare also stated that it has been unable to implement DataDyne TV elements of Perfect Dark Zero which would have enabled players to uploaded recorded matches in both single player and multiplayer modes.


fluffstardx 28 Sep 2005 14:13
So, basically they've cut it back to, say, merely having as many options as anyone else rather than going too far?

Hardly a blow.
king skins 28 Sep 2005 14:14
DataDyne TV was more like Gotham TV for watching live games and viewing replays... no uploading involved.

They also said that they might be adding these features in a patch once the game had shipped. As they didn't have time to test the 50 player deathmatch and implement the DataDyne TV before launch.

Anyway the game is looking a lot better (graphically) since E3, looks amazing now. The leaked videos look pretty good.
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vault 13 28 Sep 2005 18:39
king skins wrote:
Anyway the game is looking a lot better (graphically) since E3, looks amazing now. The leaked videos look pretty good.

No I'm sorry. Microsoft bought out Rare. Made one quality game (which was a remake anyway) for their company. Been working 5 years on Kameo AND Perfect Dark Zero. And your telling me they had NO TIME to test 50 player deathmatches or silly spectator vision?! Kameo looks like ass, Perfect Dark Zero looks like ass. There is no excuse. Microsoft has been waving the Zero stink laden flag around for the past year and the game better be at or .000000001% less quality than Halo 2 (which was also not up to snuff).
king skins 29 Sep 2005 11:08
vault 13 wrote:
king skins wrote:
Anyway the game is looking a lot better (graphically) since E3, looks amazing now. The leaked videos look pretty good.

No I'm sorry. Microsoft bought out Rare. Made one quality game (which was a remake anyway) for their company. Been working 5 years on Kameo AND Perfect Dark Zero. And your telling me they had NO TIME to test 50 player deathmatches or silly spectator vision?! Kameo looks like ass, Perfect Dark Zero looks like ass. There is no excuse. Microsoft has been waving the Zero stink laden flag around for the past year and the game better be at or .000000001% less quality than Halo 2 (which was also not up to snuff).

Calm down, Calm down.

Well I would disagree that is looks like s**t and Kemeo. Every article that I have read where someone has played or seen Kameo running have said it looks stunning. I thought the videos, even though they are filmed off the screen, looked really good. IMO.

And with regard to the Test yes I am telling you they didn't have time to test the 50 player multiplayer, because I read the interview in Edge and the developers said "we didn't have time to test 50 player multiplayer and get it stable for launch" and I'm thinking he knows more about it than you do, butt.

Also the DataDyne TV would have been a feature that was introduced or thought about once the project was moved over to the 360 which was not that long ago... maybe a year at most. So I'm sure they have had more important things to do, like porting it to the 360 and upgrading the engine and assets. So it's not like they have had a full 5 years of development an testing now is it, they would have to completely redo everything and retest everything
vault 13 29 Sep 2005 14:43
Wow, you're pretty forgiving. I usually am pretty defendant of game companies when they put forth an earnest attempt. But this Perfect Dark Zero thing reaks of Fable-ness. Fable is one of the worst games ever because of the marketing, hype, developer hype, and four year development cycle. It's sad that the company can't get things they promised into the game, which means it was looking like crap to begin with. Rare has done nothing good since the buyout which is another reason I'm not as forgiving. I'm really going to wait and see how the game actually turns out.

Wondering where the X-Box launch titles are? Three months down the road doesn't count as launch!!!
king skins 29 Sep 2005 15:46
I'm not forgiving, just don't feel I have to forgive them for anything. They have made some good games and some s**t ones, but who hasn't? I think I'm more understanding.

Well I liked Fable :) Picked it up pre-owned the other day for a £10.

I think what you have to understand is that in games development things change. What seams like a good idea or cool feature to begin with might turn out to be complete crap or just unworkable but until they try it they are not going to know.

Its a shame you can't understand that and now Peter Molyneux because of the the anger from internet nobodys is not going to talk about his games so much anymore :(

He was always so enthusiastic about his games and I used to like listening and reading the things he had to say and the ambitions he had for his games. Its a shame Fable had to be scaled back but it was still a good game.

Now cos people keep taking everything said as gospel and not accepting that things change during development all the only information we will get about game development soon will be marketing bullshit. Cos if your honest with gamers all you get is flamed.

Why do people take everything so personally? Like a personal affront? As if they have done it just to piss you off and f**k you around?
fluffstardx 29 Sep 2005 17:06
Actually, Fable had to be trimmed; sometimes, people are a little overambitious. It was hardly a Rise of the Robots-scale PR tragedy was it? And at least Lost Chapters (and the fully integrated PC version) reassembles some of their cutting.

Now, Rare... I'm a forgiving kinda guy. I forgave them for releasing next to nothing, and cutting Conker. But the wait for PDZ is extortionate. I'm going for Prey if it's on the launch list, as it made no promises and kept them all, and looks superb in the bargain. PDZ would need a 10 from EDGE and Games™ before I would buy it now.

Kameo still looks pretty good though, though I hope it gets upped graphically before launch...
vault 13 29 Sep 2005 20:13
fluffstardx wrote:
Actually, Fable had to be trimmed; sometimes, people are a little overambitious. It was hardly a Rise of the Robots-scale PR tragedy was it? And at least Lost Chapters (and the fully integrated PC version) reassembles some of their cutting.

I'm not blaming Molyneux so much as the hype machine. I praise him and his unique games. Truly an innovator. But for all they cut, it doesn't matter. The game was fundamentally flawed, boring, and a hack fest. Everyone said how much s**t you could do but it all amounted to nothing. If my damn mentor didn't keep voicing over my game and telling me I had new quest cards (read: hold trigger and mash x assignments) then maybe I'd actually THINK about getting drunk or marrying some hot chick.

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