Sonic Riders Site Goes Live

More shots to fuel re-ignited hedgehog love

Posted by Staff
Sonic Riders Site Goes Live
Take a look at the now live Sonic Riders website, where it’s all blue skies, bright primary colours, and hedgehogs going hell-for-leather on space-hover future-boards. Unlike the next-gen Sonic also confirmed today, the game does not shun Nintendo, and will appear this generation on PS2, Xbox and Gamecube. This all inclusive policy most likely has something to do with the game looking an awful lot like Amusement Vision’s take on F-Zero, and we wouldn’t be the only people speculating that there’s a fair bit of shared code there. But will there be shared ace-ness? We hope so.

There’s no new information on yesterday’s announcement, with the game slated for a winter release in Japan but no western dates announced as yet. If you can read Japanese, you might be able to work out even more, if so tell us about it in the forums below.


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