New Project Rub 2 Screens

Playing footsie, that's where babies come from

Posted by Staff
Those of you awaiting the next instalment of SEGA’s girl-touching DS game need look no further. New screens arrive today of Project Rub 2, or as it is to be known in Japan when it releases in October, Where Do Babies Come From?

A look at the screens reveals that there seems to be some sort of footsie style mini-game where you GET TO STROKE A GIRL’S LEG! OR SHAVE IT! Who knows? We'll have to wait and see.

The other screens appear to illustrate different levels... it looks as if you have to rescue the object of your affections from an island in the middle of a river. A gaping mouthed crocodile seems determined to stop you though, as you paddle over on a log. It also looks to us like the sort of river that leads to a waterfall prompting some ingenious last-second escape, but perhaps we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Another screen presents the game's couple sat upon a log on a snowy mountain, engaged in some furious forehead prodding action. Curious.

To see more screens, click though to the title in the related links above this story. Join us in our SEGA enthusing in the usual place (hint: below!).


Joji 8 Aug 2005 19:26
You know there's a lot to be said for Sega braving a sequel of this type of game but I'm glad to see it's happening. In a shrinking market it's always nice to see someone bucking the cheesy trend.

How many female gamers will this pull in this time?

soanso 8 Aug 2005 21:49
How many GAMERS will this new one pull in, nevermind female ones.
Project Rub did about 400 times worse than it deserved. It's still my favourite DS game after all these months and I'm really looking forward to this one. I just hope they make it crazier than the first.

More Magic Mushrooms for sonic team please!!
Mendez 9 Aug 2005 10:10
Just look at it!!1! This is a f**king outrage. I'll be reporting this to that f**ktard John Thomas or Jack Thompson or whatever the cretin's name is.

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