Where Do Babies Come From?

It's the name of the sequel to Feel the Magic!

Posted by Staff
Where Do Babies Come From?
Ha ha! Great news today, as Famitsu reports that a sequel to the stellar Feel the Magic from Sonic Team is announced for Nintendo DS. No details have emerged yet, though we can report that game’s Japanese title is Where Do Babies Come From. Really.

This is fantastic news, though we’re not sure exactly why. Expect updates on the DS-exclusive as soon as they become available.


dmgice 27 Jul 2005 19:28
Dear Sega,

I love you, but you're just not right in the brains. Not that I don't find that incredibly sexy, because I do. Keep it up!

Joji 28 Jul 2005 21:39
Perhaps this is good, Sega have a series that's unique to the DS. I hope they experiment and bring more titles out like this.

I'm now wondering if Panzer Dragoon would work on DS o not.
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