Ridge Racer Game? At a Console Launch? As if…

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Ridge Racer Game? At a Console Launch? As if…
There have been recent murmurings that a Ridge Racer game will be announced for Microsoft’s Xbox 360 console, with Namco allegedly prepping an all-new version of the classic (if mildly plagiaristic) racer for the platform’s launch.

The gossip has been in some way cemented this morning, with the latest issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly in the US claiming that the series will indeed see a 360 outing, and at launch, no less.

Although the Xbox never saw a Ridge Racer game, the basic concept of shipping a re-worked, or perhaps all-new game in the series to its successor is far from unlikely. If there’s one thing Namco likes to do, it’s release Ridge Racer games - as many as possible.

We will of course have an ask around about this piece of news (we have an inkling of its validity) and post our findings in the forum below.


Coxy 22 Jun 2005 12:41
I thourght Sony held the rights to ridge racer (then again i could be wrong), if it does get released on xbox 360 itll probably be a spin off. (like Ridge Racer DS OR Ridge Racers for the PSP)
dmgice 22 Jun 2005 13:08
Namco owns Ridge Racer.
Sony owns Gran Turismo.
EA own Need for Speed.

Only one of those titles will ever be a Sony system exclusive. That said, I kinda stopped playing Ridge Racer after R. Racing Evolution. The PSP game was interesting for a few moments.. obviously one of the best games at the PSP launch.. but still not worth the money to buy or own at $50. Maybe this game will be interesting? It hasn't sold an Xbox 360 to me though, that's for sure.
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ozfunghi 22 Jun 2005 13:12
Mac wrote:
I thourght Sony held the rights to ridge racer (then again i could be wrong), if it does get released on xbox 360 itll probably be a spin off. (like Ridge Racer DS OR Ridge Racers for the PSP)

How would that work? You obviously are aware of RR DS, and there was a RR for N64 as well. How would sony own the rights?
yippyj 22 Jun 2005 13:19

Do you also think that Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid series of games where realised on the Sony Playstation first?
Joji 22 Jun 2005 13:52
True, Sony don't hold any rights over Ridge Racer series. It's entirely up to Namco if they choose to prot it to another machine. If another RR did end up on 360 I could understand that happening, but the likes of PGR3 and NFS might overshadow it. I'm sure many would welcome RR if it was good.

R:Racing Evo was the first time the series (like Soul Calibur 2) went multiformat. What I don't understand is how such an oppurtunity was f**ked up royaly and yet Ridge Racers on PSP is supposed to be brilliant. What the hell happened with that game I'd love to find out. RRE had such potential but blew it. (kind of like RR5)

Namco are guilty of butt sucking Sony too much (just like Konami). Tekken 4 or 5 could have easily been on Xbox and GC too, to boost sales, but alas neigh. Current console are at a point where they can handle these kinds of graphics with ease, and with PS2 being the oldest I still find it amazingly arrogant that Xbox and GC miss out when customers want these games. I wouldn't be surprised if Sony were giving out money in brown envelopes to keep the status quo.

If this kind of thing happens in the next console ruckus it will be as though developers are dealing the final blow to each console. Are some developers turning into diva developers? And there I was saying japanese developer like to take risks, if true make more of these games multi format, make them well and give us choice.
Coxy 22 Jun 2005 15:23
First of all I would like to apoligise - to clarify the situation, i thourght sony owned the right to publish ridge racer sequels, most ridge racer games on other consoles are just spin offs.

Ridge Racer 5 could easily have been ported to other consoles, but it hasnt - i assumed this is because sony owned the rights.

In response to yippyi I know metal gear and final fantasy were not released on playstation first alough (again my limited intelligence comes into play here) Metal Gear SOLID was.
BustyKrusty 22 Jun 2005 19:59
I don't think RidgeR will be on Xbox360,but theres still quite a few racers on the way for that console.Test Drive looks pretty good.
I never tried RRE but apparently it lacked in length and a bit in speed where RR shines.
On the Namco and Konami note, i'd say they're loyal to Sony when it comes to long-standing series like Tekken, and thats good because we'll only get a better game if they're concentrating on one platform strenghts.That of course doesn't change the fact that they can bring original titles to other two.Also, having great games multiplatform isn't allways the best option because i know for instance i wouldn't buy Halo 2 on PS2 no matter how good it looks.On a side note i'm slightly worried with ever increasing Sony and MS exclusivity deals, that keep cornering Big N in a mouse hole.
fluffstardx 23 Jun 2005 07:08
Metal Gear Solid indeed comes out on Sony consoles first, but it filters to the other systems. Heck, MGS came out on PC, too; then there's Substance and Twin Snakes, and the new one replete with silly subtitle.

The last decent Ridge Racer I played was R4. I hold pretty much no hope for this one if true either. Gimme a Forza 360 any day.
Smelly 23 Jun 2005 11:08
Metal gear has been around for years.. it has come out as exclusives on msx, nintendo platforms, etc etc.
Joji 23 Jun 2005 15:08
True but I still find it amazing when MGS games comes out on the PC but not GC. Both can handle it but GC gets half baked cast offs Twin Snakes.

As for Sony and MS, they know they are onto a good thing. Regardless whether it's Namco, Konami etc it should be interesting to see if things stay the same or some opt to work with Nintendo again.

PreciousRoi 24 Jun 2005 14:59
w0rd, Forza 360 would be teh shizzle. Instead though we'll end up with Gotham 360... :P

Oh well, I've never been a fan of teh RR, if it was good I guess I'd play it, but I wouldn't count on it being a game I'd enjoy playing...if tomorrow this rumour was quashed by a PS3 RR exclusive, I'd prolly be relieved that it wasn't coming to 360. A Test Drive or NFS product would be preferable, but I'd prolly give a mediocre RR game with link the nod over ANYTHING without link, if anyone was insane (or evil) enough to release a next gen racing game sans Link Play...
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