Pro Evo 5 – Screens of glory!

It looks like the others a bit! Hooray for that!

Posted by Staff
Konami has released the first screens from Pro Evolution Soccer 5 which are posted within this very page.

So click them, then look at them. Then wonder how you are going to explain a few things to your girlfriend. Like, “What do you mean it’s a newer version of the same game? What’s up with the old one?” and “You said you’d be in bed by midnight. It’s four AM and I have work you know!” and “I’m sick of your mates being round all the time shouting at that bloody football game. I’m leaving you.” And so on.

We’ll bring you gameplay impressions as soon as digitally possible. Keep it locked.



kingnbajam 21 Jun 2005 08:36
No big improvements in the graphics, but as long as the gameplay still is strong and minor tweaks are made, this game is a must buy :)
covmat 21 Jun 2005 10:07
Yep it always gets a little bit better. I think ProEvo4 made the biggest leap in terms of master league with ageing and regenerating players and skill variation throughout careers... can't wait to see what they've done with it this time.
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