Cyberlife re-invents itself as "Creature Labs"

The internationally acclaimed software developer responsible for the million selling "Creatures" games returns with a new direction and new focus.

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Cyberlife Technology Ltd. today announced a major restructuring programme changing its direction and company name to "Creature Labs", and by appointing Chris McKee as Chief Executive.

The move capitalises on Creature Labs' revolutionary artificial life technology (known to millions for their "Creatures" computer games and popular website) by moving away from industrial and business applications to focus exclusively on entertainment products.

Among the new PC products planned for the future is the hotly tipped 3D real-time strategy game "Beasts" (working title), plus a stand alone application derived from the Creatures 3 PC CD-Rom enabling Internet users to communicate and exchange Creatures online on a global basis.

Chris McKee's previous position was Vice President for Europe, Middle East and Africa at Interleaf Inc. Interleaf provides enterprise-wide software solutions for XML-based Internet content management. Prior to that, Chris ran European and International business operations for Inference Inc., a leading knowledge management company.

Says McKee, "Future entertainment products and their dedicated players are beginning to demand much more detailed and involved gaming environments and shared-space virtual worlds, and we believe Creature Labs' track record in artificial intelligence programming has given us a big advantage."

"The entertainment and gaming sectors are constantly pushing the envelope when it comes to re-creating authenticity and realism. Creature Labs has proven to be a powerful force in the development of life-like computer-driven characters and virtual worlds."

Creature Labs is the developer of the highly successful Creatures range of computer games that have sold more then 1 million copies world-wide. The company has recently released two new games: Creatures 3 and Creatures Adventures. The latter release is a sub brand aimed at younger audiences. The Learning Company, a division of Mattel Interactive, publishes both titles. Creature Labs' technology creates intelligent and believable life forms through the modelling of the underlying biological structures that give way to life-life behaviour in the real world. The company approaches the problem through simulation implementing their own unique software which is ideally suited to the construction and modelling of large-scale virtual worlds inhabited by hundreds of thousands of living characters.