Alien Hominid is Cool – Official

Award-scooping 2D 'not Viewtiful Joe' capers inside.

Posted by Staff
SPOnG likes Alien Hominid. You can tell this by the way we covered the game from the outset and even stretched to a review last year. See, you can feel the love, right?

Anyway, the plucky little game has snaffled a few more awards to adorn its two dimensional trophy cabinet at last night’s Annual Independent Game Festival, scooping an amazing three of the six prizes on offer.

Indeed, Alien Hominid scooped the awards for Innovation In Visual Arts, Technical Excellence, and an Audience award.

Not bad for a phenomenon birthed as a web freebie!


SPInGSPOnG 14 Mar 2005 15:37
Dude, an Independent game festival! What was the competition?

In this corpo-rat infested industry, I'm surprised that they could find enough "independent" games to warrant six categories. And judging by the results, they couldn't.
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