Leading UK-based development monster Climax has merged three of its studios creating what the company claims is the largest single development studio in the UK.
Freshly-named Climax sees Climax Solent, Climax London and Climax Handheld blended together with Escofian care to form the new dish which will, according to reports, be focused solely on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 2 development projects.
"This exciting development is a glowing tribute to the progressive thinking here at Climax," said Simon Gardner, president of Climax Action. "With the Solent studio recently completing work on the critically-acclaimed Sudeki, and the London division working on a massive action licence, now is the perfect time to bring these respected studios together.”
It’s rather interesting that Gardner refers to Sudeki as being critically acclaimed; perhaps he just meant to say mauled. It's an easy mistake to make.
Unabashed, he continues, “And by combining one team's experience with first-person shooters with the other team's expertise in third-person and vehicle games, we've created a studio that is geared-up to produce truly outstanding action games.”
Great stuff.