Tecmo president slams Sony’s Xbox-a-like strategy for PlayStation 3

Strange stuff indeed as Itagaki’s temper fuelled from above

Posted by Staff
Tecmo - You remember!
Tecmo - You remember!
Everyone likes reading Team Ninja boss Itagaki-san’s comments and ponderings. This is because he appears quite insane, often launching bitter, unexpected attacks on rivals which are as refreshing as they are startling.

And it would appear that this temperament reaches the very upper echelons of Tecmo, with company president Jun Nakamura mauling Sony Computer Entertainment’s current stance towards its ever-illusive PlayStation 3 project.

“There's not much information from Sony [about PlayStation 3]", he said. "The situation with Microsoft is very different. The CPU was developed for a next-generation game machine, but the hardware is conceived by an appliance manufacturer… I feel that they're probably trying to use games as a way to increase their power in the home appliance industry,” concluded Nakamura-san, seemingly at odds with SCE’s convergence strategy; a strategy in no smaller part accelerated by Microsoft’s arrival in the sector.

Yet interestingly, Nakamura-san seems happier with the progress of his new best friend Microsoft. “[Microsoft should] be able to use their experience of the current machine's failure to succeed, even in Japan,” he said.

SPOnG awaits Tecmo’s full Xbox exclusivity deal with a great deal of excitement.



Autobot 23 Nov 2004 00:02
Tecmo's management is real confident in Microsoft. so possibly they will remain exclusive to XBOX when the sequel comes out.

As for fighting games, I have had this idea that I hope some developer out there will just steal from me cause I want to see it in a game soo bad Tecmo should listen.

Blocking on-comming attacks gets boring fast and sometimes your get those cheap lazy fighters (usually newbies or people who have only one strategy of screwing you over when you stop fighting) .

If someone is blocking an attack for more than 3 times in a row the 4th attack triggers a sequence. The Characters have to keep pounding there buttons as fast as possible and the person who over powers the other player throws a powerful punch that knocks the opponent against a wall.

The Effect:
Ever see those old kung fu movies or more recently those dragon ball z cartoons when they are blocking and throwing fists of fury, a million miles an hour, thats how it should look.

I know dragon ball budikai did something similar but it did not work well and I am not a fan of the series. I want it done in realistic game setting.

I know I am talking a lot but I think this is also something Tecmo should think of.

The fighting on DOA almost looks like dancing so I think they should have a dancing mini game in the game. Make it a club setting and you have tap the buttons in rythmn with the song. You make your own steps, thier is no formal dance you just move your arms and legs to the beat by tapping the buttons. The computer figures out if you danced to the beat or not and gives you a score. of course this would have to be 2 player.

Now I will officially shut up.
Funky 23 Nov 2004 00:48
What the guy means is "Microsoft got a load of PC equipment and stuffed it inside a hollowed out VCR case, glued a green orb on the top and sold it as a console. Sony are developing their own chip"
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Ditto 23 Nov 2004 09:07
At least the next Xbox isn't just going to be a normal PC like the current one. Development should be harder for the next box - no more recompile for Xbox option.

I hope Microsoft don't succeed with the next generation. Any industry that Miocrosoft takes over and monopolises loses everything that was exciting about it. In games this would mean a lack of innovation and traditional companies such as Nintendo being forced out. A Microsoft industry is a dead industry, and this could be the situation in games.
LUPOS 23 Nov 2004 16:04
oh here we go again... nothing gets the blood flowing like a good ole fashioned fan boy fight!

a) let me make this as clear as can cause i know some of you might not be "big thinkers" (you did but ps2 for the same price as an xbox even though they are technically, as in actualy value of materials and ability, inferior). ALL VIDEO GAME CONSOLES ARE COMPUTERS. calculators? computer! digital wrist watch? computer! my freaking universal remote? COMPUTER! i just love the "its just a vcr case with computer parts shoved in it" line. wow, you come up with that by yourself or did gamepro write it for you? think before you open your mouth and let the stupid escape.

b) why is it that when microsoft comes out with a new system that is techinically superior in every way to its competitors and is very resonably priced (so cheap in fact the microsfot lost money on the sale of it for like the first two years it was out), that peopel think it is the end of days for video games. but sony comes out with the ps1 and uses the incredibel resources and marketing power to basically ruin sega and cripple nintendo and everybody is all hunky doory with it just cause you can still play final fantasy games on it. finaly fantasy 12? oh yeah, the pinacle of creativity and inovation in games right there, gee i wonder if some huge evil is goign to try and destroy the universe so you and your team of unlikely heros can save us all? gee wiz that woudl be swell woudln't it?

c) the xbox is too big!!! boohoo... why is it too big? cause it full of stuff! good stuff! like a hard drive and built in ethernet. and unliek the ever so tiny ,but not realy, game cube, it has its power onverter inside it. stupid japaneese peopel think cause 50% of the size of there console is hanging behind there entertainment center that it doesnt exist, well ti does. and good old sony managed to sqeez the converter int he box as well and still manage to leave room in there for, wait for it, A HARD DRIVE! and not just any hard drive. no no no. a Huge hard drive with more space on it than anyoen coudl ever resonably use considering there are two god damn games that use it. you know the hard driv ein the xbox is a measly 8 gigs? and i dont know one person who has filled that unless they have modded there sytem(for refference i think the ps2 hard drive is somethign liek 40gigs but i dot remember or care to look it up). oh and the best part is it also gives you network support... by sticking an extra brick of plastic on the ass end of the ps2, very inovative sony, way to push boundries!

d)you knwo what the best part of the ps2 is? it cost the same amount for the weaker system... and if you want the network support version... it costs even more than an xbox! lucky day! in case you where unaware game companies tend to make games for systems that sell well, which means if more people had actully bought xboxs there would have been even more good games for it. thankfully for you suckers you all bought ps2s on the promise of it being super cool just like the ps1 was. suckers! least you got your hooker killing game, thats cool i guess.

you know i remember before the saturn and ps1 hit reading about them and gettign all the fun details about how the different chips work and bla bla bla... and as much as i loved sega i knew sony was goign to give them a good run cause they went and got sgi to design the system for them. It was clean and powerfull and well made and even though lookign at the numbers the saturn should have been the stronger system, when peopel saw toshinden next to virtua fighter one they knew who had made the better system. the funny thing is tecnically the saturn is stronger(2 tandum 28mhz chips vs. 1 33mhz chip and the same amount of system ram), however it is aprently a real bitch to program for so most developers (who dont want to spend millions on R&D to figure out how to make the thing work) preffered to make playstation games. so the more well desgnied more well supported console succeeded. then when ps2 and xbox where comming out it seemed liek the roles had been reveresed. sony had made this rediculous system with multiple chips that needed to be told how to work in tandum(multiple processors, sounds saturny to me) to get the most out of it which made it a bitch to program and M$ had made a powerfull easy to program(everybody knwos active x right?) feature rich system with basically everythign anyone could want in a console... and yet... ps2s sold like hot cakes, even with the less than stellar launch line up they had.

now i know what your thinking, "Mr. Wizard, why would people by the weaker system that cost too much and didnt really have any games when it came out?" well thats easy, there are two main reasons. one of which is a reasonable answer (even though it doesnt apply to me) and the other is just sad. First there is a group of people in this world called dorks (of which i am one, so no offense there), and dorks like things called role playing games (i like the pen and paper kind myself, less epic, but more role playing and less menu navigation), and well, they like final fantasy and will buy whatever system has it. i understand that, i dont think any less of a person for buyign it for that. The problem isnt the dorks though, god bless em, its the "not dorks". The "cool people" or the ones who want to be anyway. They knew how "cool" the ps1 was. they knew that even though they didnt have friends some how the playstaion made peopel come over and hang out with them, and plus all the cool rappers on mtv cribs had playsations and we all know they know whats up. so they bought ps2 three at a time and then sat back and waited for the friedns to role in... but it didnt work, problem was everybody had one... so nobody would go to anyone elses house for it... so they sat, alone. this made them bitter, bitter for trusting sony, bitter for paying to much, bitter for not having a game of note untill 9 months after the thing came out(gran turismo2), bitter at the world that had betrayed them! so they looked for soemone to blame, an outlet for there agresions, and they foudn it. Poor m$ never did anything sony didnt do. what was there crime? making a good system? obtaing exlusive deals with worth while publishers? providing a whole new world of onlien gaming to console fans? these are not crimes, these are tiumphs of vison, and just good bisness since. M$ took risks, peopel said a hard drive was nonsens and woudl never be used, tell that to the people who have to wait twice as long for the ps2 versions of there games to load up. they said internet gaming on a console woudl never work. tell that to the couple million peopel who have not only signed up for the live! service but probably have renewed there subscriptiosn atleast once by now. sure there have been miss steps, kakuto chojin springs to mind, but they had good intentions, they wanted to make somethign new, somethign different.

microsoft isnt the devil that will end games, they are the money makeing machine that will keep competion in the console wars. most of us except the fact that nintendo probably wont always make consoles. they make games, and damn good ones. let the peopel with the moeny to sepnd on hardware development take care of it let the game designers do what they do best. if microsoft didnt exist i dont think nintendo woudl have gotten those extra sales i think sony woudl have and it woudl have made things that much worse for nintendo.

if not for miscrosoft sony woudl already be monopolyzing the game industry. but you acuse microsft of the same crime sony already perpatrated. oh and for refference sake... those of you who think that M$ had no business enterign the console market cause they had no experience... do you not remember what sony was know for before the ps2? STEREOS!!!
atleast MS worked on computers and programing and things... sony made F&$%ING walkmans and vcrs! oh sure they made soem games, like, uh, hmm, geee you knwo i cant think of any SCE games made before the ps1 (i know they exist i just dont think any of them where any good). now let me ak you, ever here of Microsoft flight simulator? an exciting game? no but its something. this next round is going to be a good race and i assure you, Billy Gates doesn't like to loose at anything, so choose your horse wisely.

and the rambling stops, let the flamming begin!
almondVanHelsing 23 Nov 2004 19:28
LUPOS wrote:
a) let me make this as clear as can cause i know some of you might not be "big thinkers" (you did but ps2 for the same price as an xbox even though they are technically, as in actualy value of materials and ability, inferior). ALL VIDEO GAME CONSOLES ARE COMPUTERS. calculators? computer! digital wrist watch? computer! my freaking universal remote? COMPUTER! i just love the "its just a vcr case with computer parts shoved in it" line. wow, you come up with that by yourself or did gamepro write it for you? think before you open your mouth and let the stupid escape.

Here is an original thought for you. Not all computers are PCs! There is a difference with a console and a PC. The XBox is a PC, plain and simple. Sony invests billions into hardware design, Nintendo too. They build fabrication plants, they build components, they design motherboards and they (in the case of Nintendo) license graphics chips and make them work with new hardware. Microsoft gets a standard PC of the time and puts it in a case. All they do is put it together. Why do they do this? Because it's all they know! All they can do is code for Intel chips and PC hardware.

LUPOS wrote:
b) why is it that when microsoft comes out with a new system that is techinically superior in every way to its competitors and is very resonably priced (so cheap in fact the microsfot lost money on the sale of it for like the first two years it was out), that peopel think it is the end of days for video games. but sony comes out with the ps1 and uses the incredibel resources and marketing power to basically ruin sega and cripple nintendo and everybody is all hunky doory with it just cause you can still play final fantasy games on it.

See the thing here is that Sony came in with a product that was good at the time and they won becasue of market forces and they made a profit, because they sold hardware and software that people wanted to buy. Microsoft has not made dollar one on the XBox. They have been funding the XBox from the huge amounts of money they made by illegal business practices in their PC software market. Then they see that more people have consoles than have PCs and they want a piece of that pie, remember "evey house with a PC running a Microsoft operating system"? They are getting to it by the XBox. Also there is the "they are American and they walk in and try to take over" thinking that the rest of the world has, this is bourne out by the US in Iraq.

LUPOS wrote:
c) the xbox is too big!!! boohoo... why is it too big? cause it full of stuff! good stuff! like a hard drive and built in ethernet. and unliek the ever so tiny ,but not realy, game cube, it has its power onverter inside it. stupid japaneese peopel think cause 50% of the size of there console is hanging behind there entertainment center that it doesnt exist, well ti does. and good old sony managed to sqeez the converter int he box as well and still manage to leave room in there for, wait for it, A HARD DRIVE!

Erm? So the XBox is big as it has power supply and a hard drive inside? The PS2 has power supply inside and space for a hard drive. Why do you say the XBox is big again? This alsocomes back to American "bigger is better" attitude. Look at the cars, huge. Look at the XBox, huge. Much bigger than it needs to be, unless it's because it is full of stock off-the-shelf PC components. Lazy, fat, know-it-all Americans come over here and tell us how we should play our consoles. Microsoft can't design the dashboard to handle German text, they make the controllers too large for Japanese hands. And you ask why the XBox does not well in Europe and Japan?

LUPOS wrote:
d)you knwo what the best part of the ps2 is? it cost the same amount for the weaker system... and if you want the network support version... it costs even more than an xbox! lucky day! in case you where unaware game companies tend to make games for systems that sell well, which means if more people had actully bought xboxs there would have been even more good games for it. thankfully for you suckers you all bought ps2s on the promise of it being super cool just like the ps1 was. suckers! least you got your hooker killing game, thats cool i guess.

You know what the best thing about the PS2 is? It has games people want to play, made by people in the same countries as the players. It is designed to fit into people's lounge and bedroom, not to take over them.

LUPOS wrote:
microsoft isnt the devil that will end games, they are the money makeing machine that will keep competion in the console wars. most of us except the fact that nintendo probably wont always make consoles. they make games, and damn good ones. let the peopel with the moeny to sepnd on hardware development take care of it let the game designers do what they do best. if microsoft didnt exist i dont think nintendo woudl have gotten those extra sales i think sony woudl have and it woudl have made things that much worse for nintendo.

Microsoft has already put under firms as big as Sony and Nintendo because they want to kill all competition. There is no innovate in the OS on PCs unless you have Macintosh, and then Microsoft will steal the ideas. If they were left to run the games marked like they run the PC OS or Office software market, there would be no new ideas, no original thought, no choice but to buy Microsoft. If someone will think of a new way to play games, Microsoft will buy them, drive them out of business or just copy them until they go away. They have no scruples, they just want to win, win, win. No matter the consumer.

LUPOS wrote:
if not for miscrosoft sony woudl already be monopolyzing the game industry. but you acuse microsft of the same crime sony already perpatrated. oh and for refference sake... those of you who think that M$ had no business enterign the console market cause they had no experience... do you not remember what sony was know for before the ps2? STEREOS!!!

Before the PS2? I think they were known for the PS1!! I have no worry with new people entering the games market, it is good for competition, but Microsoft don't want competition, they want to be the only one left standing!

LUPOS wrote:
and the rambling stops, let the flamming begin!

Heh! That wasn't rambling, that was an outburst man! You been bottling that up for a while, or what?
auzdafluff 23 Nov 2004 23:59
LUPOS wrote:
a) let me make this as clear as can cause i know some of you might not be "big thinkers" (you did but ps2 for the same price as an xbox even though they are technically, as in actualy value of materials and ability, inferior). ALL VIDEO GAME CONSOLES ARE COMPUTERS. calculators? computer! digital wrist watch? computer! my freaking universal remote? COMPUTER! i just love the "its just a vcr case with computer parts shoved in it" line. wow, you come up with that by yourself or did gamepro write it for you? think before you open your mouth and let the stupid escape.
almondVanHelsing wrote:

Here is an original thought for you. Not all computers are PCs! There is a difference with a console and a PC. The XBox is a PC, plain and simple. Sony invests billions into hardware design, Nintendo too. They build fabrication plants, they build components, they design motherboards and they (in the case of Nintendo) license graphics chips and make them work with new hardware. Microsoft gets a standard PC of the time and puts it in a case. All they do is put it together. Why do they do this? Because it's all they know! All they can do is code for Intel chips and PC hardware.
Wrong and Wrong. The xbox under international tax laws is classed as a consumer electronic. The PS2 is classed as a PC. (The ps2 was classed as a consumer electronic until Sony contested that as they wanted to fiddle the tax system). The reason why the Xbox was designed the way it was is to do with its conception process. Go away, read 'Opening the Xbox' by Dean Takahashi. Until then go away and shut up because you just proved you know nothing in that matter.

LUPOS wrote:
b) why is it that when microsoft comes out with a new system that is techinically superior in every way to its competitors and is very resonably priced (so cheap in fact the microsfot lost money on the sale of it for like the first two years it was out), that peopel think it is the end of days for video games. but sony comes out with the ps1 and uses the incredibel resources and marketing power to basically ruin sega and cripple nintendo and everybody is all hunky doory with it just cause you can still play final fantasy games on it.
almondVanHelsing wrote:

See the thing here is that Sony came in with a product that was good at the time and they won becasue of market forces and they made a profit, because they sold hardware and software that people wanted to buy. Microsoft has not made dollar one on the XBox. They have been funding the XBox from the huge amounts of money they made by illegal business practices in their PC software market. Then they see that more people have consoles than have PCs and they want a piece of that pie, remember "evey house with a PC running a Microsoft operating system"? They are getting to it by the XBox. Also there is the "they are American and they walk in and try to take over" thinking that the rest of the world has, this is bourne out by the US in Iraq.
America is THE modern empire, thats how empires think, don't like it, tough s**t. I don't like it either but its something we have to live with, and besides, in a couple of decades it'll be China. As for the whole illegal business practises. Yep they did, but it isn't like it hasn't brought benefits, like a stable operating platform that non technical minded people can at least learn and get used to. If we didn't have that we'd be decades behind where we are now. Sure Microsoft OS and Office = Bad but Microsoft are the compeditor and their service while they are like that is brillant.

LUPOS wrote:
c) the xbox is too big!!! boohoo... why is it too big? cause it full of stuff! good stuff! like a hard drive and built in ethernet. and unliek the ever so tiny ,but not realy, game cube, it has its power onverter inside it. stupid japaneese peopel think cause 50% of the size of there console is hanging behind there entertainment center that it doesnt exist, well ti does. and good old sony managed to sqeez the converter int he box as well and still manage to leave room in there for, wait for it, A HARD DRIVE!
almondVanHelsing wrote:

Erm? So the XBox is big as it has power supply and a hard drive inside? The PS2 has power supply inside and space for a hard drive. Why do you say the XBox is big again? This alsocomes back to American "bigger is better" attitude. Look at the cars, huge. Look at the XBox, huge. Much bigger than it needs to be, unless it's because it is full of stock off-the-shelf PC components. Lazy, fat, know-it-all Americans come over here and tell us how we should play our consoles. Microsoft can't design the dashboard to handle German text, they make the controllers too large for Japanese hands. And you ask why the XBox does not well in Europe and Japan?
Really? I've not heard of the German thing before.

As for the controller issue... and their pads aren't too small for us? Ever heard of RSI, linked with control devices being too small? I prefer the Controller S for somethings but for long slogs a re-designed 'fat' controller with flat buttons and a normal layout would be great. As for the component issue... once again, go read 'Opening the Xbox'... until then, know it all anti-Microsoft fanboy.

LUPOS wrote:
d)you knwo what the best part of the ps2 is? it cost the same amount for the weaker system... and if you want the network support version... it costs even more than an xbox! lucky day! in case you where unaware game companies tend to make games for systems that sell well, which means if more people had actully bought xboxs there would have been even more good games for it. thankfully for you suckers you all bought ps2s on the promise of it being super cool just like the ps1 was. suckers! least you got your hooker killing game, thats cool i guess.
almondVanHelsing wrote:

You know what the best thing about the PS2 is? It has games people want to play, made by people in the same countries as the players. It is designed to fit into people's lounge and bedroom, not to take over them.
Did you know, Sony includes in its shipped figures (thats shipped to the shops, not to the customer, they don't do sales figures) replaced, and repaired consoles. Some experts predict that there are only 45-50million PS2 in homes, not the 70+ Sony likes to peddle round.
And as for the whole, it takes over... its no bigger than a normal VCR box. Sure it doesn't fit in that well but neither does the PS2 which looks like a recycled radiator from the 1980's. (Why Sony don't design them like their DVD players I have no idea)

LUPOS wrote:
microsoft isnt the devil that will end games, they are the money makeing machine that will keep competion in the console wars. most of us except the fact that nintendo probably wont always make consoles. they make games, and damn good ones. let the peopel with the moeny to sepnd on hardware development take care of it let the game designers do what they do best. if microsoft didnt exist i dont think nintendo woudl have gotten those extra sales i think sony woudl have and it woudl have made things that much worse for nintendo.
almondVanHelsing wrote:

Microsoft has already put under firms as big as Sony and Nintendo because they want to kill all competition. There is no innovate in the OS on PCs unless you have Macintosh, and then Microsoft will steal the ideas. If they were left to run the games marked like they run the PC OS or Office software market, there would be no new ideas, no original thought, no choice but to buy Microsoft. If someone will think of a new way to play games, Microsoft will buy them, drive them out of business or just copy them until they go away. They have no scruples, they just want to win, win, win. No matter the consumer.
Thats how business works dumbass... any that doesn't think like that won't suceed. Think about what you are talking about before you open your mouth. As for lack of innovation. Sure Microsoft might not innovate, and it might steal ideas, but you try using the original version of software compared to the version Microsoft produces and tell me the Microsoft version is inferior.

LUPOS wrote:
if not for miscrosoft sony woudl already be monopolyzing the game industry. but you acuse microsft of the same crime sony already perpatrated. oh and for refference sake... those of you who think that M$ had no business enterign the console market cause they had no experience... do you not remember what sony was know for before the ps2? STEREOS!!!
almondVanHelsing wrote:

Before the PS2? I think they were known for the PS1!! I have no worry with new people entering the games market, it is good for competition, but Microsoft don't want competition, they want to be the only one left standing!
That has to be the most retarded comment ever... Every business in the world wants a god damn monopoly, any that doesn't is doomed to failure, they might not admit it but thats how capitalism works. And fair enough he made a mistake, but before that yes, Sony had virtually monopolised the Home Electronics market. The example he points out is a perfect one, regardless of who makes a portable music player with the exception of the iPod and MP3 players, they are refered to as 'Walkmans', a Sony trademark. Same now goes for games consoles, most casual or non gamers refer to consoles as Playstations just as they did many years ago as Nintendos.

LUPOS wrote:
and the rambling stops, let the flamming begin!

almondVanHelsing wrote:
Heh! That wasn't rambling, that was an outburst man! You been bottling that up for a while, or what?
Yer... that was one hell of an outburst... cool
LUPOS 24 Nov 2004 13:56
ok first things first. The assumption that i or anyone likes th exbox because it is huge and we are stupid fat americans is painfully narrow minded and proof positive i shouldnt even bother thinking about what you said... however i would liek to comment, after all the only reason any one posts on here is for the sake of hearing(seeing) themselves talk.

the xbox is not just a pc shoved in a case.... if you have ever seen a pc you would knwo that they are probably about 3 times the size of an xbox on average and much heavier. More importantly however is the fact that microsoft did indeed "design" the sytem it is not just pc parts... it has a faster bus speed than other pcs at the time and was specially customized for graphics purposes. yes they used a licensed chip set but as you pointed out so did nintendo, and then also liek nintendo they customize the hardware around it to take full advantage of it. Also i whole heartedly agree with the statement about a the old xbox controller. peopel are so used to tiny controllers that the idea of a large thing that fills your hand just seems rediculous, you acuse me of thinkign bigger is better when the fact of the matter is you think smaller is better for no real reason other than it is just what you are used to. I was very very happy with the old controllers size (button layout could definitly have been better though) especially considering at the age of 24 i already am developing a bit of carpal tunnel and have early signs of arthritis. my father is currently disabled at the age of 50 because his arthritis and RSI have become so sever that he can no longer lift anything that weighs more than 5 pounds without fear of further damage. so i am glad for anythign that makes my gaming more comfortabel and less detrimental to my lively hood, of course i am just a fat lazy american.

oh and as for my obvious typo abotu sony not being known for anything befroe the ps2, way to make fun of my typing excellt point, your the man. I hope your proud. Also i dont remeber ever saying anythign about europe not buying xbox'x europe buys alot of xbox's, way way more than japan, and as i mentioned in one of my previous little rants xbox also sells well in australia and if im not mistaken korea, the only place it hasnt doen well is japan, and personaly i dont care if you want to keep playing uninspired sequals to the same "good games" for the rest of eternity be my guest, your lose. I personaly prefer getting my moneys worth out of something, and honestly (fanboy time here) if the only games i eever owned for my xbox where halo 1 and 2 i woudl have gotten my moenys worth cause i was still playing multiplayer halo1 as recently as the weekend before halo2 came out. (how is that kill zone game by the wya, it looked spiffy! HA!)

oh and one last thing the dimensions fo the xbox are not that much bigger than a ps2 maybe like and inch wider and a half inch taller and a bit deeper... and it is still way smaller than a vcr and im sure peopel in japan have vcr's they didnt not buy it cause its to big they didnt buy it cause its american and there arent enough games with people with big eyes and stylish clothes fighting demons or ultimate evisl or something.

i would ratehr splinter cell then metal gear
i preffer out run or burn out to gran turismo by a long shot (personaly prefference)
kotor is totaly a better more original and enjoyable game than anythign square has put out (ff fan boys have been waiting for ff7.2 for so damn long that square fianly realized that shoudl actulyl make it cause they dont have any good ideas left)
soul calibus is the best fighting game around and it is of course best on xbox and i do love dead or alive (although ps2 got virtua fighter which pissed me off, it hasnt really gottn any better besides graphics in a long time either so i dont perosnaly miss it)
and ninja gaiden stomps the crap out of devil may cry, mark of kri, shinobi, or any other axtion game you can possibly think of.

so you go have fun playing your american made san andreas(the only reason besides final fantasy anyone should bother owning a ps2) and keep on hating america.

it is painfully obvious that about half of my country is retarded but i as an individual am not, saddly i cant, from my limited experience, say the same for you.
tyrion 24 Nov 2004 14:05
Wow, this is getting heated!
Ben Furfie wrote:
Wrong and Wrong. The xbox under international tax laws is classed as a consumer electronic. The PS2 is classed as a PC. (The ps2 was classed as a consumer electronic until Sony contested that as they wanted to fiddle the tax system). The reason why the Xbox was designed the way it was is to do with its conception process. Go away, read 'Opening the Xbox' by Dean Takahashi. Until then go away and shut up because you just proved you know nothing in that matter.

I think that's a very facile debating technique, Ben. People are allowed to have opinions and are allowed to use facts, even if they haven't read a book you have. The fact is, the XBox contains off-the-shelf PC components, and it is based around a PC CPU and PC graphics chips. The PS2 isn't and the GameCube only has graphics chips that are based on PS ones. Whether international tax law classifies the XBox as a computer or a consumer electronics device doesn't change those facts.

Ben Furfie wrote:
As for the whole illegal business practises. Yep they did, but it isn't like it hasn't brought benefits, like a stable operating platform that non technical minded people can at least learn and get used to. If we didn't have that we'd be decades behind where we are now. Sure Microsoft OS and Office = Bad but Microsoft are the compeditor and their service while they are like that is brillant.

I think that MacOS was that sort of OS before Windows was stable. If Microsoft hadn't acted as they did, they would have had competition from MacOS, OS/2 and BeOS that would have helped drive innovation. I believe we would be decades ahead of where we are now. Instead, Microsoft doesn't have to put in new features or tighten up old ones to stay ahead or gain market share. What they do have to do is stop supporting older versions of their OS in order to force people to upgrade and license the OS in such a way that they get paid every year instead of just once.

Ben Furfie wrote:
Really? I've not heard of the German thing before.

There were reports just before the EU launch of the XBox that the dashboard had to be re-designed as it was layed out in a manner that meant the longer words of, for example, German wouldn't fit into the spaces provided. It's an easy thing to overlook, but Microsoft have such a history in internationalising Windows, you would think they would have thought of it before the EU launch of XBox.

Ben Furfie wrote:
As for the controller issue... and their pads aren't too small for us? Ever heard of RSI, linked with control devices being too small? I prefer the Controller S for somethings but for long slogs a re-designed 'fat' controller with flat buttons and a normal layout would be great. As for the component issue... once again, go read 'Opening the Xbox'... until then, know it all anti-Microsoft fanboy.

Nobody said that PS2 pads were perfect in size, but you have to admit there were many, many more complaints about the XBox controllers being large than there were about DualShocks being too small. Personally, I still find the Controller-S to be awkward to handle. And please stop with the "you know nothing, don't comment" attitude, please enlighten us with your knowledge. This is a forum for the exchange of information and views, not for that sort of elitism.

Ben Furfie wrote:
Did you know, Sony includes in its shipped figures (thats shipped to the shops, not to the customer, they don't do sales figures) replaced, and repaired consoles. Some experts predict that there are only 45-50million PS2 in homes, not the 70+ Sony likes to peddle round.

I hadn't herad that, it's very interesting. Hoever, I belive all suppliers quote "sell in" figures, not "sell out" figures due to the difficulty of getting accurate sales figures from retailers. SPOnG's sister company, eleventeenth, produces a retail sales tracking application and we see woefully inadequate detail and consistency in the sales figures we are sent to analyse. These figures are from the same retailers selling hardware, too.

Ben Furfie wrote:
And as for the whole, it takes over... its no bigger than a normal VCR box. Sure it doesn't fit in that well but neither does the PS2 which looks like a recycled radiator from the 1980's. (Why Sony don't design them like their DVD players I have no idea)

It's a bit taller than a VCR and it's not as wide, also the curved top makes it hard to put into a stack of equipment. The PS2, while not being the ideal size either, at least has the advantage of being small (even smaller now) and being able to be used vertically. Many people have their PS2s alongside the TV, not underneath it. The design of the PS2 was quite "out there" when it came out, I belive it made people sit up and notice the console, it looked nothing like the other consoles of the time. The slimline one continues the basic design, but smaller still.

Ben Furfie wrote:
Thats how business works dumbass... any that doesn't think like that won't suceed. Think about what you are talking about before you open your mouth.

Most businesses don't get a monopoly handed to them on a plate then use that monopoly position to grind down and crush the opposition. Most businesses aren't able to use the money gained from that monopoly position to move into other busuness sectors and undercut the opposition in order to win market dominance again. Microsoft can do all that, has done all that and seems to want to do all that again in the games market. Sure, all businesses are competitive, but no other business has the hold over a market that Microsoft does without being regulated by Government oversight.

Ben Furfie wrote:
As for lack of innovation. Sure Microsoft might not innovate, and it might steal ideas, but you try using the original version of software compared to the version Microsoft produces and tell me the Microsoft version is inferior.

MacOS X is better than WinXP in terms of ease of use, stability, performance, security and, yes, looks. Microsoft has been "borrowing" ideas from Apple ever since they took a Lisa to Redmond and "borrowed" the OS to make Windows. The original Internet Explorer was much, much worse than the Netscape Navigator of the time, it was really only until IE5 that it got any better. By that time Netscape was already being killed by the free, bundled, default IE and was unable to compete. These days, Mozilla Firefox is so much better than IE, it's untrue.

It's obvious, Ben, that you like the XBox, and more power to you, you have found a gaming platform that meets your needs. However, you can't just dismiss other people's opinions as "fanboy" rants because you disagree with them. There are PC components in the XBox, so many it almost is a PC. Microsoft are much worse that Sony as far as business ethics go. And many people are upset with the size of the XBox and the controllers.
tyrion 24 Nov 2004 14:12
LUPOS wrote:
so you go have fun playing your american made san andreas(the only reason besides final fantasy anyone should bother owning a ps2) and keep on hating america.

Does the name "Rockstar North" mean anything to you? They developed GTA3, VC and SA and they are based in Edinburgh, which is in the UK, not America. Just because Take2 is an American company, doesn't mean that all their games are developed there.
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