Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith confirmed for all 3 major handhelds

Ubisoft takes next Star Wars film spin-off to PSP, DS and GBA

Posted by Staff
Battlefront pictured
Battlefront pictured
Ubisoft has today confirmed that the game spin-off of the next Star Wars movie: Revenge Of The Sith, will be released across all three major handheld consoles – the DS, the PSP and the GBA. It will certainly be interesting to note the differences between each version, as there will be a huge gap in graphics between the GBA and PSP versions and a potentially obsolete extra touch screen for the DS.

The press release promises that “Revenge of the Sith on PSP, DS, and GBA will fully leverage the strengths of each handheld platform”; although how this will be done remains to be seen. The game will, quiet logically, coincide with the film’s launch next spring: and as with most Star Wars games, it has the potential to be something with a huge appeal, it could, however, turn out to be a fairly vapid money-making exercise. We’ll bring you an update closer to the launch.


Joji 29 Oct 2004 14:26
All I wanna know is do these games come with a free Jar Jar Binks stress doll, so we can all have the joy of tearing him to shreds. Come on Ubisoft, you know you want to.

Should be interesting to see what form the DS version takes, since we more or less know what type the others will be. I hope these games are in good hands at Ubisoft, the force is indeed strong with their Jedi.
Mecha Ghandi 29 Oct 2004 14:35
Joji wrote:
All I wanna know is do these games come with a free Jar Jar Binks stress doll, so we can all have the joy of tearing him to shreds. Come on Ubisoft, you know you want to.

Should be interesting to see what form the DS version takes...

I agree with your sentiments entirely... Perhaps the DS version will be identical to the other two, but with Jar Jar Binks permanently on the lower screen so that you can stab him up with the stylus.
Kaxxx 1 Nov 2004 12:42
I honestly just hope we dont see the DS getting a GBA version with a map or some crap on the bottom screen. I hope not.

There is great potential for the DS to see some seriously lame conversions from GBA titles.
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