It’s official: we already knew it, you probably knew it, Konami certainly knew it… Pro Evolution Soccer 4 will be released on Playstation 2 on 15th October 2004. It’s been carved into stone as a gospel fact by PR people wielding chisels of truth, and there’s a press release to prove it. So, just to remind the established Pro Evo disciples: that leaves just over three weeks to tie up any and all of the loose ends in your life. Dump any life-partners, forcibly hibernate your pets, cancel your phone bills, pre-pay your electric bills and then board yourself indoors with a year’s supply of peanuts, pies and 50,000 cans of lager.
The PC and Xbox versions aren’t due to arrive until November, so if you’re waiting for the Live enabled version there’s a few more weeks to get organised. If FIFA 2005 is still on target for its own 15th October release, there may be a few non-Sony footie fans enticed by EA’s head-start; but in the realm of PS2, the Pro Evo versus FIFA battle is about to kick off in earnest.