NeoGeo Heroes Gather For SNK's Battle Coliseum

Latest Atomiswave 2D scrapper shows early cast list

Posted by Staff
SNK has today filled out the menagerie of fighters for its forthcoming NeoGeo Battle Coliseum 2D fighting cocktail. Much akin to SVC Chaos and Capcom vs SNK, it will feature characters drawn from the entire breadth of the SNK software library, pitching them against each other for some traditional single-plane thuggery. Although there’s not much territory left unexplored for the 2D fighting genre, SNK has promised a new gameplay system – which has yet to be fully detailed.

As expected, the majority of characters have stepped right from their respective fighting series: with King Of Fighters, Fatal Fury, World Heroes, Samurai Shodown and Last Blade types all fully represented. There are a few less obvious additions too: drawing characters from the fantastic Metal Slug series as well as the Jap-only cult bemani title, Cool Cool Toon.

Here’s the full list of characters revealed so far, with plenty more expected to follow:

Asura (Samurai Shodown)
Fuuma (World Heroes)
Geese Howard (Fatal Fury)
Hanzo (World Heroes)
K' (King of Fighters)
Kim Kaphwan (Fatal Fury)
Leona (King of Fighters)
Mai Shiranui (Fatal Fury)
Marco Rossi (Metal Slug)
Nakoruru (Samurai Shodown)
Terry Bogard (Fatal Fury)
Tung Fu Rue (Fatal Fury)
Washizuka (Last Blade)
Amp (Cool Cool Toon)
Clark Steel (Ikari Warriors)
Freeman (Fatal Fury)
Grant (Fatal Fury)
Kain R. Heinlein (Fatal Fury)
Ralf Jones (Ikari Warriors)
Referee (Samurai Shodown)
Rocky (King of Fighters)
Yusa (Cool Cool Toon)

There should be plenty more news of this new Atomiswave game at the upcoming Tokyo Game Show, when information on possible console conversions will hopefully be made available.


Joji 3 Sep 2004 15:49
Can't beat a good 2D beat 'em up. Seen screenshots of it and it's my kind of game. I suppose SNK are finally giving themselves a permanent presence in today's industry, and that's a good thing with so much 3D crap about. New battle system, eh. Mmmm.

This must be the first game you can play as the referee and get into a ruckus. Nice to see some Last Blade and Metal Slug characters in there.
NiktheGreek 3 Sep 2004 17:34
Wow, I've got a load of respect for the use of Amp and Yusa from Cool Cool Toon. I got that on import for my DC earlier in the year (from a very helpful seller who kindly labelled it in a way that would avoid huge customs charges).

Interesting to see SNK getting in on the multi-character scrap action, along with Nintendo, Konami, Hudson and Capcom. I can only dream of a Sega version that features the ability to have Alex Kidd utterly destroy Tails. In fact, that was my idea when I first heard the name "Sega Superstars" had been trademarked...
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