US To See Winning Eleven 8

After years of curiosity Stateside, Konami takes a punt

Posted by Staff
Konami US has announced that the million-in-a-day selling Winning Eleven 3 will see a release across America for PC, Xbox and PlayStation 2 following its triumphant launch in Japan.

Nothing new was mentioned in the press release concerning the launch, other than gamers can expect to see the game on shelves at some point in spring of next year.

It will be interesting to see the reaction to the game as its release nears from the US press, given that some of the more amusing misunderstandings in games journalism have sprung from reactions to prior releases. Hopefully this time, out friends across the water will be able to beyond the fact that WE/PES is simply using the soccer genre to access perhaps the most sublime of series to grace the sports genre.



Joji 23 Aug 2004 11:41
Well done Konami, it's about time they had a dose of some REAL football.

What I hope is that games journos over there don't mark the game down badly, just because it's football, and some americans attitude towards the sport can be negative sometimes.

Should be interesting to see how it sells, even with most likely no presence of womens football in the game. Join the rest of the planet and play some football. This is a real sport.
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